Chapter 17: Reunited at Last

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“Yeah, you can use my phone and I’ll find you some dry clothes.” She stated letting me go and closing the door.

She walked me over to these monitors and gave me her phone before going somewhere else. I dialed Jess’s number and waited for her to pick up. She did after the second ring. “H--hello?” She sounded so broken and like she’d been crying. My fault.

“Jess, It’s Navy.” I answered.

“Navy! Where are you? We agreed on five hours from then. Searching for Hope is not that important. It’s dark and raining and I need you safe.” She immediately sobered up.

“I got lost but don’t worry I’m on my way back now. And I found her.” I replied.

“Hope? You found Hope!” She asked

“I did and I don’t know if she will leave her treehouse just yet. I’m coming back to the hotel as soon as the storm lets up a bit.” I answered.

“Keep me updated then. Let me know what you’re going to do.” She told me.

“Will do.” I didn’t say goodbye or anything, I just hung up. I turned back around and put the phone on the desk where the computers were sitting. I was still soaking wet to the bone, so I stayed standing because I didn’t want to ruin anything.

“Here you go,” Hope said handing me some warm clothes, “you can change right here, I’ll turn.”

I thanked her before stripping right here and putting on the warm clean clothes. I put my hair in a bun and quickly checked out the clothes she gave me. It was a long sleeve gray sweatshirt that said “Energizer Bunny Naps” and matching yoga pants that had energizer down the side. Pretty warm and really comfy. “I’m done.”

Hope turned back around and we stood face to face. I took this moment to survey her. She looks different, more experienced with life, though still her age. She gotten just a bit taller and she let her hair grow out a bit but you could tell she cut it herself. The auburn curls ending quite roughly. Nonetheless, I missed her quite a bit and life just hasn’t really been the same. I still couldn’t believe she was right here standing in front of me.

“I have missed you so much. I can’t believe I really found you, after a long two years.” I whispered.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come back, and that you had to track me down. Sorry, I just left you with not a clue what was going on. I missed you and Jess and home, I really did wish I could come back but it wasn’t safe enough and I’m sorry I mi-”

“I’m not blaming you or your adventures for leaving. Your life at home would make anyone want to leave.” I told her.

“But I didn’t just want to leave, I did. And I never once batted an eye on anything until trouble caught up with me. I practically abandoned you and Jess, told her to forget about me, and then sent you two after years of no communicating to come and help me out. I am surprised you two even did come after me. If I was in your shoes, I would never even think to high tail it.” She said.

“You’re family to us. We are really all you have besides our families. No one ever gets left behind.” I quoted.

“Jess is probably worried about you. I’ll show you the way back.” Hope changed subjects.

“You are coming back home with us, right?” I asked.

“Yes, I have a bag ready in the car already. We can leave for California in the morning.” Hope reassured me.

Hope grabbed a computer and her phone from the desk and showed me the way out the treehouse, locking it up after me. Thankfully, the rain had let up a lot since we’ve been inside so we calmly walked to her car that was a little bit away from the treehouse. She dropped the computer in her trunk and climbed in the driver's seat while I climbed in the passenger seat with my backpack, the mini one I take everywhere, on my lap.

“I’m surprised you still have that.” Hope said pointing out the backpack.

“It’s the only thing we had of home and you.” I told her.

I think I made Hope feel guilty for leaving because she sat in silence after that. She started the car and I showed her the blue dot on the map of where Jess and I are staying. Hope nodded and drove there. It took two hours from where we were and once I had service, I texted Jess to let her know that we were on the way back. She responded with a silly emoji to let me know she got it. The entire two hours it took to get to the hotel, Hope and I kept up a conversation on what I’ve been up to since she wasn’t there. It took a minute before we even started talking about it because I could tell she still felt bad for the backpack thing.

Once we were at the hotel, Hope parked and we both got out with our bags. We walked into the hotel with me leading this one. I skipped over the receptionist and went straight to the elevators and got in with Hope, pressing the third floor.

“How do you know what room Jess is in?” Hope asked.

“A couple months ago, when we first started looking for you, well after you stopped buying us hotels in advance we started a room chain. At every hotel we went to we would get the room number that was after the one we just had. We’re on the third floor now, room number two-nineteen. It’s just easier to keep track of the room number for times like these.” i answered her.

I knocked on the door and Jessica immediately answered. She looked at the two of us before she trained her gaze on Hope. She smiled at her and ushered the two of us inside. “We have quite a bit to catch up on.”

“Indeed we do.” Hope agreed.

We all sat on a bed and faced each other. “Then it's settled then. Let's play catch up.” I announced.

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