Epilogue: Parents Do Exist

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"Okay, I just want to give you guys a heads up that as soon as we step through this door. One: we are no longer free human beings; and two: we are going to die right after we get swarmed with affection." Jessica warned Hope and I

It still feels weird to have Hope here with us after two years. I mean, we missed her but I have gotten used to being without her. Everybody has, to be honest. "I know."

Hope twisted the front door to my house open and the three of us looked at each other before stepping into the house one at a time. I was first since it was my house. Everything was quiet and dark. Except for the kitchen so that's where I went first. Jessica and Hope following me. As soon as I stepped into the kitchen all the eyes were trained on me. Then the others as they walked in before they all settled on Hope.  All of our parents were here. My moms, Jessica mom and dad and then Hope's parents.

"Have a seat." Ms. Loxs, Jessica's mom, instructed us.

All of us did as we were told and sat down in the three empty chairs across from everyone. None of them looked happy, I wouldn't be with the situation. Jess and I lied to our parents about staying at the studio and then lost contact with them and Hope hasn't even been here for two years. Then three months later, we all come waltzing in the door with nothing but clothes on our backs and mini backpacks. My momma is a military women, this is entirely unacceptable and my punishment will be military based just like all of them have been. I choose not to get in trouble because of this.

"Where have you been Trinitee!" Ms. Tina exclaimed.

"Traveling the world and getting into trouble." Hope answered honestly.

"We are so disappointed in the both of you girls. You skipped school for three months, lied to us, practically ran away and come back. I hope the two of you don't think you will be getting out of this one unscathed." Momma addressed the Jessica and I.

"I agree with Christie on this one, completely. The two of you are in heaps and heaps of trouble. More than you can imagine." Ms. Loxs agreed.

"Now, explain the entire situation to the six of us. So then we can explain your new one." Mr. Loxs instructed us.

So from there Hope started with her story from way back when she was fourteen to now. How she thought her parents hated her to the point of wanting to replace her with her little brother. So she stayed away and then how she listened to where a bunch of terrorist were hiding a bunch of weapons they planned to unleash in Washington D.C, so then she had to stay away because they were after her. Wanting her to die so she couldn't tell anybody of their plan. Then Jessica and I picked up from where we came in with the Instagram notification to lying because we both knew our parents weren't crazy enough to let them do it. Then the scavenger hunt we did and how much we really did it enjoy but knew how much trouble we would be once we came home. Then we all contributed to the last part where we finally met up and just had a fun night overall before we came back home. They listened patiently the entire thirty minutes it took to explain everything. Hope's parents looked mortified.

"Okay, I think this misunderstandment has been going on for long enough Trinitee. Your father and I never hated you or tried to neglect you on purpose. We were strict, yes, but never to the point of actual hate. We just wanted you to be safe and if that meant grounding you every time you came back from running away then we did it. If it meant putting bars and locks on all the windows than that's what we did." Ms. Tina explained.

"And the neglect wasn't intentional. Your great grandma was in the middle of a very deadly cancer and your mother was having miscarriage after miscarriage. We were stressed out so much you have no idea. So if that meant sending you other places so you got the proper nutrient than that's what we did." Mr. Tim added.

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