Chapter 6: Hotel Pool

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Navy's point of view
A Penguin? Does that have any significant meaning to Hope that I'm just not getting? I ignored the penguin for now and read the rest of the note. "Tip of the nose is where the second thing is." Second thing? We haven't even found the first thing! I just dropped the map and pencil back in the pouch and zipped it back up. I'll save that for another day.

"How far have we gotten?" I asked Jessica

"We're actually almost there. Just half an hour left but you wouldn't know since you crashed in the second hour." Jessica snapped playfully.

"Sorry, I was bored and I got a headache. I'm fine now." I told her.

"Mmhmm. Now that you are awake what are we going to do?" Jess asked.

"You are going to keep your eyes on the road and I'm going to find us the nearest Wendy's for a frosty break." I answered.

"I could use a frosty and a large fry right about now."

I nodded and took the gps off the stand. Typing in Wendy's, it took a minute to search before several popped up. The closest one was right near the hotel, so I clicked on it and added it to our route. Then I put it back on it's stand and turned up the music. "Our playlist?" I asked in confirmation.

"Eh, Bite me." She replied.

Smiling, I hooked up my phone into the aux cord that Jess always has hooked up into her car. Looking through my spotify playlist, I found the requested playlist and clicked shuffle and one of my favorites came on automatically. Putting my phone down, I sat up from my slouched form, ready to sing my heart out. I started my air drums, right on the beat, and as if on cue I started singing.

"In a slumber where no one can wake me from. The scent of his skin still haunts my lungs. Where the moon never leaves his eyes," I took a massive breath, "Here's a toast to another endless night."

"It's a feeling in my bones! A carousel for two that no one knows." Jessica sung as she took the next verse, "What a twist, when we kiss,I feel sick. Any moment I could wake without your lips."

We started laughing at how dramatic our singing really was. Turning it down enough and continued our duet until the song was over and then started back up on the next song. Half an hour went by so fast considering it was only like eight songs. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of Wendy's and parked the car. I unbuckled myself, grabbed both backpacks and jumped out the car. Jess grabbed her backpack and we both sprinted inside. I noticed the place was completely deserted beside from the people that worked there. Almost exactly at the same time we jumped on the deserted tables and screamed. "A medium sized swirled frosty with a pack of large fries to go with!"

Let's just say, we got kicked out immediately. So we just walked to the drive through window, calmly this time, we ordered what we wanted. Paid, and got back in the car with deliciousness in our arms. I was driving this time, because Jess desperately needed a break Since I couldn't exactly drive and pay attention to the road, curse my adhd, I would open my mouth and Jessica would put a couple frosty-dripped french fries in my mouth so I could also enjoy our sweet treat. I got us to the hotel in an hour, because Wendy's was a lot farther than we thought it was going to be.

I parked the car but we didn't get out the car until we finished our french fries and only had our frostys. That way we could have all our focus on the hotel and finding our room. Not to mention our next step in the crazy adventure. Opening our doors at the same time, we hopped out with our backpacks and walked slowly to the welcoming counter. Wait! We were supposed to call, oh well it can't be that bad.

"Hello how may I help the two of you?" The man at the counter asked.

"Yes, is there a room reserved for a Maceee Newman and Reece Valentine?" Jessica asked.

He turned to the computer and typed in a couple things. We waited patiently for like two minutes before he turned back to us. "Yes, Penthouse. Floor 10, full floor. Your keys are the only ones that let you have access to the floor." He told us.

"Thank you." I said before taking both keys from him and handing one to Jess. We both started walking away before I stopped and about faced(Basically she turned fancy for those who don't know). "Do you by any chance know where the first letter is?"

"On the bed, last pillow marked 1. Cut it open and there you go. That's for both." He said casually before adding, "Enjoy your stay Navy and Jessica. Hope will be pleased to know you have officially started the adventure. Next time, make sure you call first."

I smiled and nodded before turning and running to Jess, who was waiting at the elevators for me. We both smiled at each other and yawned quite loudly. I guess it was nap time before we did anything too exciting. We hopped on the elevator when it reach the floor we were on. And put the key in the slot for floor ten then hit the floor. We made it to our room and gasped. This entire floor was like an apartment. We walked in and closed the door, dropping our backpacks by the couch. I put my frosty on the little table and flopped down on the couch, laying on it.

"I could get used to this." I said sighing.

"Mmhmm, what did you asked the man at the counter?" Jess asked.

"Can't we just relax for a little bit?" I asked.

"What did you asked the man at the counter?" She repeated.

"Where the first letter was from Hope. He apparently has been waiting for us because he knows our actual names. I think we can sorta trust him." I rambled on but since Jess didn't say anything about it I continued, "Anyway he said that the letters were one the last pillows on the bed, slice them open and they should be in there."

"Yeah, we can do that tomorrow. It's late, I just want to chill at the pool before it closes and watch a movie before I go to sleep." Jess told me.

"Yeah no kidding. Let me check the dressers and see if Hope left us anything interesting." Getting up, I walked up down the hall and opened the first door which just so happened to be the bedroom. I went straight to the dresser and opened up what would be my usual bathing suit drawer and there were so many in here. Picking two matching ones, I changed into mine and through Jessica's out down the hall.

"Meet you down at the pool." I called.

"Don't forget your phone and key. We only have a couple hours before they officially close at ten." Jessica yelled.

I probably won't ever forget that. It's practically glued to my hip twenty four-seven and it's an advantage to have gotten a waterproof case for it a couple years back. I was on the elevator for like half a minute before I was back in the lobby. I followed the sign that led to the pool and saw that it was already locked up for the night. Sighing I thought of how much I wanted to go to the pool and if it was really worth it to be caught jumping over the fence. I shrugged and threw my stuff over it and began to climb over it. I froze halfway when I heard someone behind me.

"See this is why I brought a camera." I heard Jess say behind me

Sighing in relief, I continued climbing pausing once at the top for a picture. When I was actually over it. I waited for Jess calmly; she was over quicker than I was but it was fine. We walked to the side of the pool and put our stuff down. We took off our clothes, revealing our bathing suits, then together we jumped in.

This was our moment to feel our age, be rebellious, but most of all have some fun.

✔Lost of All: HopeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя