Chapter 3: The Clock strikes back before I do

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"Hope, I simply cannot learn to be as patient as you say I need to be. One can not just simply wish for it to come true but work for it." Navy said in this terrible British accent.

"My dear, Navy, the key to patience is learning to sit on your bum and stop those annoying why questions. Its learning that the greatest things in the world take time." I said playing along.

We were in the first ever treehouse that isn't as technical as my current ones. I had no enemies but my parents and there was simply not a way to protect my best friends from them. That's when I learnt the true meaning of the word patience. When I had to call them by mom and dad, sit at the dinner table while they insisted calling me Trinitee, and listen to them talk bad about my younger friends. I couldn't stand up for them because Tina wouldn't allow it at all.

"What are you to on about now?" Jessica asked from her spot.

"Hope's trying to teach me about patience when she goes on her adventures." Navy complained

"Well Nav, you do just sit in her room every day after school while doing homework waiting for her to reappear. I think learning won't hurt a bit." Jess added

"Like you're any better. After the first ten minutes, you come and join me." Navy countered

While they were arguing I got up out my seat and placed a letter in it. I knew that day I was close to not returning. I just couldn't tell them that...Yet. I did leave them one of my famous riddles and hope they could figure it out. This wasn't supposed to be a long trip, just one they could follow me on. A little field trip I suppose. That way all their memories of me would be happy ones. Only I could hope it turn out that way.

"Thanks Sunny, what's the time?" I asked

"Eleven pm." She answered.

I groaned and sat up looking around. I put the safety on my gun and put it in my pants before dying my jacket around my waist. I opened up my door and stepped out before closing it. It was dark and really no one was out besides the homeless. I trudged down the street, being aware of my surrounding as I looked for this clock tower.

My stomach made itself known, but I chose to ignore it. Now was not the time to try and find an open fast food place; at the moment, my life literally depended on finding this clock. Now if it's a Big Ben replica, it would be in town square. Yet, I've never been to Saudi Arabia and I don't speak their language. I'm lost in a giant place, not knowing if it's a city or a country, with literally no one to turn to. It took close to half an hour before I finally found it. Meaning I only had twenty minutes until the clock struck twelve.

I was looking up and down this huge clock, trying to figure out how the hell I was supposed to get up there. "Think Hope, use your mighty brain!" I was stuck, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Sam might be dead, Navy and Jessica aren't safe, my parents hate me, my little brother replaced me, and my life is just a mess right now! I made a circle around the Mecca tower twice and still had no clue. It was deadly close to twelve and I was just running out of time!

"Jess, there's no time and we're out of options!" Navy yelled.

"It's a game of strategy, Nav, we have to use our mighty brains." Jessica told her.

"What if my brain isn't mighty enough, what happens then?" She questioned.

"When you've thought all you could, and your mighty brain is failing you. Then use what you have left. Your five senses." Jessica answered looking at me for approval.

I did nothing but smile. Well, I nodded to as I watched them try to escape the room. Well, from the board game.

Jessica Loxs, I owe you a soda! Simply looking wasn't going to do much for me. I was not tasting the wall, and smelling would be weird. So I'll touch it. Quickly I walked around the Mecca clock with a hand on it and my eyes shut. I concentrated on the wall until I felt a little bump. I stopped immediately and went back slowly until I felt it again. Sure enough there was a little bump in the same place. So once more I felt until I was on the little bump and then I opened my eyes.

Camouflage on the tower was a rope. Nicely hidden, Sam you bastard. Ever so gently, I pulled the rope from the wall, and it peeled like string cheese. Sharply I pulled it down a couple times to test it. Then with all the trust in the world I started climbing the tower with this rope. Like I had my body extended sideways with my feet on the tower and my hands clenching the rope. I walked hastily as I heard the chimes telling me it was twelve in the morning.

I was in front of the large twelve in no time. I put my feet on what I thought was the number one for the hour and then balanced as I tied the rope around my waist. It took me like three seconds to knot it off before focusing on the task at hand. I immediately spotted the key on the hour hand and climbed towards it. Since this was illegal, I had like two minutes before I had to climb down again. Thankfully, I reached the key in no time. Now all I had to do was find the small door and get the hell down before someone called the cops. I held the key tightly in a fist until my hand turned light pink, but i didn't dare relieve the pressure. I was just standing there looking for a solid two minutes until I spotted the key hole right under the twelve. Grinning I climbed back up and slid the key into the hole. Turning it to the left, it opened smoothly. I peered inside waiting for some giant surprise but all i saw was the note.

Sam, you selfish bitch. I came all this way for a piece of damn paper. Snatching it up, I put it in my pocket and slammed the small door. Locking it up, I launched the key far away from me. I wasted no time climbing down the tower and hiding the rope once more. Walking to my car, I was not in the best mood right now. Whatever is in this note better be a fucking miracle because if Sam isn't dead, she's going to wish she was after i'm done with her.

I walked back to my car, hungry and sulking, with the note still in my back pocket. It took me awhile to get back as I was in no rush at all; when I finally did get back, I climbed in the driver's seat and finally tore open the letter. I read it pretty quickly before starting the car. I changed my mind as soon as I finished reading the letter. Everything about it was awesome, and I was actually happy.

"Sunny, how long will it take me to get to get to Washington D.C?" I asked.

"About two days by car and a little more than eighteen hours by plane." She answered.

I nodded to myself and decided just to drive there. I could stop at some fast food places on the way plus see how Jessica and Navy are doing with the scavenger hunt. Satisfied by my plan, I started the long drive with a smile on my face.

The letter Hope climbed the Mecca Tower for:


I know this is not your actual name but I'm okay with that. You're my best friend and I will protect you with my life and those girls you call your family. Anyway, I'm from the fbi and Hannah is from the csi. We know how much trouble you are in and we've been helping you for years. If you're reading this, I'm in trouble or dead. Go to the fbi headquarters ( 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C.) and at the front desk say the phrase: Men in Black memory eraser pronto. They'll take you to my office and there will be a safe in the desk that'll have the phone. Keep those girls safe, get yourself out of trouble, and go back to them. They need you more than you realize. And stop these adventures, you need to know that those girls are all the adventure you need.

I love you girl, Samantha.  

Hey Guys, I just wanted to let you know that you are going to have to ask for the instagram account. I can promise you it is still being used but the name keeps changing. Ask for the up to date one please or check my bio

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