Chapter 5: Crazy Parents

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Navy's point of view
I read it over twice more, trying not to cry. For some reason I could never really believe that had given up on us; but, I guess along the way it's not trying I did. Little clots formed on the notes notifying me to wipe my eyes.

"Nav, are you okay?" Jessica asked softly.

"I'm fine, Jess." I answered automatically.

" judging from your tears, how fast you answered in the event that I'm fine is a girl's number one lie. You, my dear friend, are entirely not fine." She rattled off.

"Jess, it's been two years. And now she wants us to chase after her! I thought she forgot about us and to know that she's still thinking about us. I pause to calm down a little, "I do not want to lose one of my best friends."

"We're going to get her back. This is what is insurance for it. Like you said before, we have to trust her." She reminded me.

"You're right," I started, "In my note she said there was a backpack with all I needed under her bed. With the name Macee for me." As I said that I stood up from. Where I was sitting and grab my phone before I walk to the bed. I squatted and you're under the bed playing out back. I forgot that was mine on my back and tossed just her back. Exactly when we're putting Hope's things back to the way they were, her door was thrown open.

"What the hell!?" Hope's mom, Ms. Tina, yelled.

"Nav, let's go!" Jessica yelled.

We ran to the window but we were blocked by Timothy. He shook his head and we turned back to Tina, slowly but surely.

"Ms. Tina, this is surely can all be explained." I calmly said.

"What? The two of you breaking and entering my home! Way past normal visiting hours!" She yelled.

Okay, we definitely weren't getting out of this without the police getting involved. All exits were blocked and there was no where we could run. Wait the closet! But isn't the closet blocked in?

"Go call the police, I'll keep my eye on the delinquents." Timothy told her.

Tina left the room, in no big hurry, as Timothy stood guard of the window. Our biggest exit is out the window, like our hope of getting out this situations. Spy like, I tilted my head to the closet a couple times to hint to Jess about what I was doing. She gave me a confused look but gave a sharp nod. So she got the plan, awesome.

Like we were synched up, three seconds later we ran to the closet and locked the door once we were inside. Not a minute later, banging was heard on the other side. Timothy. We didn't have long if he was pounding that hard.

"Christ, he's going to break the door down!" I shouted.

"Probably, look up there." She said.

I looked at where she was pointing and saw an air vent at the top of the ceiling. Actually it was just a hole since the covering was gone. This is a larger than average sized closet so getting to that hole was going to be a challenge.

"How are we getting up?" I asked.

"We do what we always do, use our mighty brains. I was thinking, if you give me a boost than I can reach down and pull you up." She replied.

"Can't hurt to try." I said getting down and cupping my hands for her foot to go into.

She placed her foot in my hand and we both counted to three and I pushed her up while standing. She reached the hole and pulled herself up before turning around and reaching for me. Only problem is, the door was beginning to collapse and Jess couldn't reach me.

"Climb something," She begged, "Or we're both going to snail tonight.

So I took her word for it and began to climb some shelves, stopping each two to see if she would reach me. By the time I climbed six, the door collapsed completely and Jess grabbed my hand. She pulled me up quickly as Timothy entered the closet. When I was completely up he was looking around for us, but because of how the door broke down I got up before he could see me.

So we climbed through the air vents quietly but quickly until we found to vent leading to the front porch. Unlike before, this one was covered but the screws weren't in it. I guess Hope didn't like the idea of things getting inside the house while she was trying to get out. Jess carefully removed the plate and set it aside before climbing out. It took her a couple minutes before she called me down. The ground was pretty far from what I could see, I had no idea how Jess got down but she helped me down as well as held me up so I could put the plate back in its place.

"Get back here! The cops are on the way!" Tina yelled at us from Hope's window.

Jess and I sprinted to her "explorer's" van and hopped in the front seat. We buckled up and Jess got us out of there pretty fast. We had no idea where we were going, all we do know is that we're going wherever Hope wants us to.

"Where to?"

"Let me check the note." I muttered getting my backpack off my back. I slowly opened it up, actually excited about what I was going to find in such an awesome backpack. I patted the sides until I found the folded up piece of paper. I skimmed the note finding nothing. Wait, she wants us to open the backpack. "We have to open the backpack to find the note with instructions."

"Good, plunder through the bag. I'll find the nearest hotel." Jess said.

Taking that as a que to search through the bag, I unzipped the biggest pocket. There was a mini duffle bag but I'll open that at the hotel. Some snacks that could last us days in a tupperware bin that was a medium sized. A gun with extra bullets and a knife, woah. An envelope with my fake name on it and a 'purse'. I grabbed the envelope and purse and zipped up the bag and put it in the back with Jess's.

"What's your fake name? I never asked." I asked breaking the silence, while unzipping the purse.

"Hope gave me the fake name, Reece." She answered.

I nodded and peered into the purse. I was so surprised, I almost dropped the dang thing. Inside the purse was debit cards on top of debit cards under the fake name, all in a different currency, and stacks of money rubber band together by currency. Each at least, a hundred million. Then a passport, fake identification card and a bunch of fast food gift cards. Slowly I zipped it back up and slid it into the backpack before turning my full attention to the envelope. Unfolding the tab, I took out the paper and unfolded it. On it was a couple sentences and an address.

Macee Newman,

Follow the address, call the number. It'll be the hotel that's waiting for you, ask for the first letter's location. You'll be staying there for bit.

Address: 2371 W Broadway St, Needles, CA 92363



"We're going to Needles, California. She has a hotel, I think, set up for her." I told Jess.

"That's like a twelve hour trip from our sweet ol' Anchor Bay. Be prepared for a long car ride." Jess warned.

"I would've thought no other way. I'm just going to text our mom's and tell them we'll be at the studio for spring break to get extra practice before the competition. It's not like it's unnatural for us to do this before a comp." I told her.

"Yes and tell Momma I'm sending her the pictures from this month on Monday." Jess added.

So I whipped out my phone and sent a quick text to both our mom's and pretty much got an okay. Then I unzipped the small pocket from my backpack and found a map with red circles over random things and all of the dots numbered and a pencil. Connect the dots! Slowly I followed the lines of each numbered things until they revealed the message.

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