Chapter 10: Only Two Months

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Hannah and I met up three weeks ago as planned. The last two weeks and a half was me setting up everything for Jess and Nav then I watched them for quite sometime just to make sure they were actually safe. I also checked up on their room and restocked a couple of things while adding a bunch more features they will love. My friends have grown up so much in the four years I haven't seen them. Two astonishing beautiful young ladies, who have changed and evolved into the two best people I know up to this day. I cannot wait until we can actually be together again like we were. In fact, I dream about it when I'm not worried about their lives and my own. I know I have destroyed them in a way I can only fix, created a fear that I will leave every couple of days. But I learned my lesson, no more crazy adventures. At least not without them by my side. Hannah and I's conversation was eventful but not as pleasant as they usually are:

"Try not to destroy these two. Don't be seen but change up your clues. You've already written the notes, do some detective work so they find them and then you're going to have to wait." Hannah told me.

"It's not that easy. We're taking seven months of an adventure and summing it up to two. There is so much they cannot skip, this is practically impossible!" I countered.

"Then make it possible. Get them from California and into the next state. You left them enough cash, let them spend it. Get them from point A to C in a couple of days. We are out of options, you've been in hiding for three years and you've covered your tracks well but they are getting closer and closer." She stated.

"They need at least three months." I said.

"Are you not hearing what I'm saying? We. Have. No. Time. You don't even have a month before they find you. They've found smarter people, built alliances and now they have the reigns to the operation. Giving those girls two months is courteous." Hannah drilled.

"How do you know that?" I asked

"Sam and I've been watching them. Trying to throw them off the rocks. It worked for many years but not anymore. Hunter, sweetie, no more time." She said in a very clear voice.

A month for me, two for them? That conversation always made my mouth dry, the odds of me getting out alive were getting less and less as the days went by. That conversation was three weeks ago, which means by now I had a bounty over my head and I helped as much as I could without leading the bad guys right to my best friends. I'd done so much for them and the last thing that I can do to help them is stay away from them and stay alive. The hardest thing I can do when I know that they are in my dangerous world.

Currently, I was sitting in my last treehouse that I didn't have to destroy. The one I call headquarters and one of the oldest of them. The one that only Navy and Jessica know the location. They've been here millions of times and all they need to do is realize it. We've built this one of the last summers I've been with them, when I had the bright idea to take them to Florida for a week. They just needed to put the puzzle pieces together to find me and hopefully they could.

I turned on my three desktops that were side by side, of course personalized with names and drawings, and waited till they booted themselves up which would take about a minute. Once they were on, I put my attention to the pink keyboard that was on the left. I signed in then took the flash drives out my pocket. I plugged the pink one into it and went straight to the program I installed on it. It was a tracking device for Jessica and Navy that way I would know where they were and how fast they were moving at all times. I then focused to the mone one the middle that was covered in old cartoon stickers. I plugged up the flower covered flash drive into it and went to the files. This one is for the bad guys, Dragon and Chamber with their own little gang's, all the locations they have been looking for me, places they could accidentally bump into Navy and Jessica, and where their gangs are located now. Now the last one was on the right and it had words of the mighty brain scattered across it on. The matching flash drive, and the last one left, had two or three words written on it. Plugging this one in, I waited a couple minutes before the program opened itself. This one is surveillance with sound: in the hotel they're at now and will be by multiple times, Jess's van and their backpacks they probably carry everywhere.

I smiled to myself now that everything was set up. Sam, Hannah and I made this place practically invisible. Since this is a paid for land, we made it invisible to the public. You cannot track this place or anything in a five mile radius for my safety. This will not last forever, only for about a month and a half. So Jess and Navy didn't have forever.

I heard the doors opening to their van and laughter, so I took my eyes off the middle screen and focused on the right one. Navy and Jessica just got back in the car and their eyes both zoomed in on the note that I left on the steering wheel. I shook my head smiling at my clueless friends. In the note, they got the deadline and the next location then a little hint to search the car for another note. I signed it at the bottom in my signature so they both would know it's me telling them that. And to make them feel safer, I signed with my full name. Trinitee Hope Maxwell.

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