Chapter 14: Tennessee Break

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Author's chat

"This title makes no sense, so if you can think of something better I will happily put the thought into consideration" This means flashback, so remember it. And about 5 chapters left!


A lot has happened in a crazy month. We lost almost everything, Jess and I, except ourselves. We have been through Hell and back those were weekly trips and now Hannah is dead. I always try to look on the positive side but with everything happening that keeps getting harder and harder. Samantha had been with us for the month that Hannah has been dead. Sam told us how Hannah had been her best friend but now she had to quickly mourn to get us back to our best friend. This is one way I felt like the world worked in mysteries.

We tried talking to her about the situation but Samantha wasn't having it, every time we brought it up she avoided or changed the subject. After a couple weeks of this, I just stopped bringing it up entirely. Samantha was a grown woman, if she needed mourning help from two teenagers she'd happily let us know. Like the time she had us call our mothers, that was in the morning by the way and it's about three pm, and had the two of us explain where we've been in the last two and a half months.

 "Why in the world would we call them now!?" I exclaimed.

"I'm tired of seeing the missing children report of the two of you when, oh I don't know, you're not missing." Samantha explained.

"We are if they don't know where we are." Jessica stated

"Which is why you're calling them now. No excuses, do it now." Samantha commanded.

I groaned out loud before taking one of the burner phones she had in her hands for me. We didn't want anybody finding these phones and tracing them back to our homes. We needed them safe as possible because currently we are not and that's enough danger for me. I dialed my mom's number and waited until she picked up.

"Hell, who is this?" She asked.

My mom sounded so depressed, which is so unlike her. She's so enthusiastic and mama is the one that usually maintains the rules. So for me to be missing must really tear her to pieces. For her to not know if I'm safe and healthy or alive must be breaking her inside. If I was in her position, I would hate it so to know that I was the one that cause this type of pain broke me.

"Mom, it's Naveelia. I calle-"

"Naveelia? Navy, oh my god are you okay! Honey Navy's on the phone!" She practically screamed. Running and jostling could be heard form their end until I heard a bit of an echo but I didn't comment on it at all. "Navy, where have you've been and are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yes mom, mama, I'm perfectly fine....Sorta besides that fact I'm with Jessica and we're finding Hope to bring her home once and for good." I answered.

"Jessica's parents know that she's okay?" Mama asked calmly.

"She's calling them right now."

"Good, Navy I cannot believe you lied to us and snuck out to gods nowhere to find Hope! You're skipping school and recitals? Have you lost your mind? And all of this for Hope who left you guys for two years?" Mama yelled.

"She would have done the same for us. Mama, she was in trouble and she needs our help. I'll be home in a couple weeks." I told her.

"As soon as you come back you are grounded, I hope you know that! You find Hope and you bring her home to us okay? Stay safe and know this grounding will be one hell of a sentence." Mama said.

"Besides that fact, I will be waiting for your safe return. And you will never ever in your life do this again for anybody. Do you understand me!" Mom asked sternly.

"Yes, ma'am I understand both of you." I replied just as sternly.

What can I say my mom is a military woman, who is still on active duty and will be retiring from the navy completely in two years. I was raised as a military child and I didn't get my name from just anywhere. I am proud to be named after my mom's dream and career, her passion if you like. Anyway, they hung up and I followed suit as I gave the phone back to Samantha who smiled at me. I watched Jessica as she finished with her face looking like she just seen hell for the first time and didn't like what she saw. Once she hung up and gave the phone back to Samantha, who asked us the obvious question at this point.

"What did your parents say?"

"My mom let me know that I will be grounded for the rest of my high school life but she knows how important this is and will be waiting sort of patient for me to return." Jessica answered.

"I'm in the same boat. I think we can say that those Saturday all-day hangouts after Friday night sleepover is a no for life." I added.

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