Chapter 4: Spring Break

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Navy's point of view
"Jessica, have you been on instagram lately? Hope finally posted something quite interesting." I yelled from across the room.

Today was the best day ever! The first day of Spring Break and we were sitting in my dance studio just relaxing. Jessica was looking through her camera roll on her Nikon and I was browsing on my phone like always. I had just got the notification that Navy finally posted something but i guess it was a little late because she has a couple of other things posted as well.

"No, Nav, but I'll check it now," She called, "why don't you work on your dance routine. Competition is in a week and it's going to be the biggest one."

I nodded even though I knew she wasn't looking and set my phone down; starting my warm up stretches. I did a couple flutter kicks, and diamond push ups before Jessica finally reacted. She screamed and dropped her camera on the ground. Luckily I had the place matted up or it would have broken. She's would've probably cried after the initial shock of Hope's post wore off.

"Nav! That's her closet. Why's that so important?" Jessica questioned.

"I don't know Jess. What was the caption underneath the picture? I forget." I replied.

"Umm..." She said probably pulling it up again, "It says 'First clue is here!

Answers are to where I've been are near.'"

"So let's go. Comp. Practice can wait." I said

"Wait, what about her parents?" She asked

"Elaborate." I said

"They don't like us, or Hope. They have her room locked up like jail cell. How are we supposed to even get in?"

Good question. I shrugged at her while putting on my shoes and packing Jessica's camera up for her. Hope's been in and out that room multiple times; it couldn't possibly be that hard then. Jessica followed my actions, only much slower, probably thinking about the consequences of letting me take over.

"Navy, how do we get in?" Jessica repeated.

"The same way Hope always gets out. Through the window on her balcony, climb her roof and go across the ladder to the treehouse in her backyard. We have to do all of that backwards." I answered.

"Then tonight." She said.

I gave her a look that meant elaborate because I was confused. I mean I got what she was saying, just not the meaning behind it. She explained that she meant we were going to get in her house tonight so that we could take our time and not have to worry about being caught by her parents. We finished locking up my studio before getting in her car and driving to our favorite diner. The diner called Charlotte's has been our favorite since we were very little, we're pretty much known by all the employees by heart.

"What's the time?" I asked as we climbed out her truck.

"Usual dinner time." She answered casually.

So around seven. We walked into the diner quietly, keeping to our own thoughts. The employee, Mallory, that seats people didn't even say anything to us. She just handed us two menus and silverware and let us through. We smiled as we past the medium sized line of people waiting to be seated. We past empty tables until we got to our table that was blocked off from everyone except for us. Sitting down in our seats, we didn't even glance out at the menu and just waited for our usual waiter, Ali.

"What can I get the Lost crew?" Ali said walking towards our table.

"Ali, we don't go by that anym-" Jess started.

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