Chapter Fourteen.

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Sorry it's been a few days, guys! I'm still battling with rehearsals, but my show's on Thursday, so once that's over, things will get back to normal!

Please vote and comment! xD


The plane journey had just been an annoying wait for me, but that was down to my huge want to get to Huntington Beach.

Jason had explained to me that morning that we wouldn’t be flying directly home; that we would take a six hour plane journey to LA, and then drive a forty minute drive into Huntington. From the moment we’d gotten to the airport in New York that morning, to the moment we left the airport in LA around six and a half hours later, I’d been anxiously fidgeting.

The place, as I looked out of the windows of Jason’s car, was like paradise to me. I felt like I was on some sort of movie set, or in a dream. Back in England, it was hard to even imagine that places like this actually existed.

In England, even in summer, it wasn’t guaranteed that every day, you’d be able to drive your car with your windows rolled down. And if you did roll them down even on a hot day, it would still feel like a harsh wind was blowing throughout the whole of the car. Here, it was a nice breeze that was fanning at my face and making me feel refreshed.

“Are you alright back there?” MB chuckled from the passenger seat, as I shut my eyes and enjoyed the cool sensation on my face.

“Perfect.” I simply replied, the smile widely pulling up the corners of my mouth.

At that, he chuckled again, and Jason laughed along that time. I didn’t even care that it was me they were laughing at.

“Please tell me it’s like this every day.” I breathed out happily.

“The weather’s pretty trustworthy in Huntington.” Jason answered. “It’ll be like this a lot of the time. And you have the whole summer to enjoy it.”

All I could do was continue to smile. It felt like I was on holiday, but I wasn’t going home. That thought excited me more than anything.

And as the excitement and nerves of getting to Huntington and meeting the rest of my family overcame me, I found myself quickly become lethargic, and falling asleep with an unfaltering smile on my face.



I groaned and turned from the persistent prodding on my arm, using my hand to try and bat the person’s hand away. It didn’t do anything, as they kept on and on.

“Midge,” They repeated, this time laughing, “wake up!”

“No.” I tiredly murmured back. “I’m sleeping. Go away.”

“Okay. You don’t want to see your new house then?” He continued to laugh.

It took a couple of moments for me to register those words in my mind, but as soon as I did, my eyes snapped open. I’d been in such a deep sleep that I’d felt like I’d been dreaming these past few days, that I was still at home in England and Robert had been the one trying to wake me up.

I was so relieved when I turned to see my dad there, a wide grin on his face. I instantly noticed MB was no longer in the car, but I knew the plan was drop him off at his place on the way home.

“We’re here?” I asked excitedly, looking out the window. I wasn’t sure what to expect of the house, but I was pleased by the look of it, that was for sure.

“We sure are.” Jason replied.

I quickly undid my seatbelt and opened the car door, practically diving out onto the driveway. Jason seemed to find that especially hilarious, but I was too excited to care.

He made his way to the trunk of the car, opening it and retrieving our luggage, as I impatiently waited for him to unlock the front door. He was taking so long that I was growing agitated. I just wanted to get inside.

“Come on!” I groaned. “Please hurry up! I wanna go inside!”

“Why are you so excited?” He chuckled, placing the luggage on the ground as he fished around in his pocket for his key. “It’s just a house.”

“Yeah, but it’s a much bigger and better house than I had back in England!” I exclaimed. “I prefer it here already.”

With a smile, he unlocked the door and kicked it open. I went to quickly walk inside, but he stopped me.

“Just bear in mind that I wasn’t expecting you to find me while I was on tour.” He said. “So whatever room you pick won’t be decorated how you like it. But we can do that, of course.”

“I don’t care, Jason!” I whined. He looked a bit put out by that, and I realised I’d have to get used to calling him dad. “Dad, I mean. I’m just glad I’m here, okay?”

“I’m glad you’re here, too.” He smiled again. “Now let’s get inside.”

He stepped aside so I could go in first. Again, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. Jason didn’t seem like a messy guy anyway, but the place was spotless, and had a stylish black and white theme from what I could see.

“I know it’s lacking a woman’s touch.” He chuckled from beside me. “But it could be a lot worse, I suppose.”

“Are you kidding me?” I replied. “It’s awesome.”

“Thanks.” He laughed again. “Anyway, I’m guessing you’ll wanna get unpacked?”

“I’ve not got much to unpack, but sure.” I shrugged.

“Right.” He nodded with a smile. “Well, you have two bedrooms to choose from, so just take whichever one you want. Mine’s the one right at the bottom of the hall and the bathroom next to it is mine, but there’s another bathroom right down the other hall that can be yours.”

“Got it.” I also nodded. I went to start towards the stairs, but he spoke again.

“Also, before I forget,” He said, “We usually have a welcome back barbecue when we get back from tour where we just relax with the family and spend time with each other. It’s happening at Matt’s place in...Probably a couple of hours or so, but we don’t have to go if you just want to stay and get settled in. You can meet the rest of the family another time.”

I already knew my answer. Although I was slightly nervous about meeting the rest of the Avenged family, I was still in an unbelievably good mood from how well Jason had taken to me just showing up. I knew that would make me a lot more comfortable meeting them that I would be under normal circumstances.

Plus, I just wanted to get the introductions out of the way. Then I’d be able to properly settle in.

“No, it’s cool, we’ll go.” I told him, making a smile spread on his face. “Can’t wait.”

“Great.” He replied. “Well, I’ll call you down when we should leave.”

With one more smile his way, I made my way up the stairs and began to settle myself in, a mix of excitement and nerves whirring around inside of me as I thought about meeting the rest of my family.

My true family.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now