Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Sorry this chapter isn't all that's kind of just a filler. But it is an update :3

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Zacky ended up crashing at my house.

By the end of the party, he and my dad were so ridiculously drunk that I ended up looking after them. And driving them home in my present.

My dad had gotten me a car—an expensive one, too. It was a bit of a risk driving that night, seeing as I didn’t have my license on me and I had been drinking, but I wasn’t over the limit, my house was only five minutes away from Matt’s, and best of all, it shut up my dad’s drunken ramblings about “giving the car a try”.

They were both pretty much passed out in the backseat, so getting them inside the house was an experience I never wanted to relive. Especially after I managed to convince my dad to go up to his room and sleep, as I was left with getting Zacky onto the sofa, and it was completely awkward after the kiss.

Well, for me, anyway. He was too out of it to find it awkward.

But as soon as he was sprawled out across the sofa, I threw a blanket over him and went straight up to bed to get myself some sleep.

And unsurprisingly, I was the first one awake the next morning.

The house was completely silent when I woke up at eleven AM on the dot. I’d not expect my dad and Zacky to be up before mid-day, so I wasn’t surprised in the slightest. The only thing that was playing over and over in my mind while I got ready, was last night.

And the kiss, to be more specific.

I didn’t know what to think of it—whether to be glad that it happened, or maybe a little embarrassed, or to just act like it hadn’t happened at all. Obviously it was the alcohol that had caused it to happen. I knew that already. But it still bothered me.

And how was I supposed to act around Zacky? He was meant to be my uncle, and now that we’d kissed, I wasn’t sure how things would be between us now.

Heaving a sigh, I finished up getting ready and then grabbed my phone from my room, making my way downstairs. Technically, I wasn’t grounded anymore, so I decided that if it got too awkward, I’d just go out.

Zacky stirred as soon as I stepped into the living room, but his eyes didn’t open. I was staring at him so much that I ended up stubbing my toe on the door frame, which resulted in me loudly swearing.

His eyes immediately flew open, so I quickly sucked up the pain and made my way into the kitchen, trying to occupy myself by making coffee. I could feel my cheeks turning pink merely at the situation, and it got even worse when I heard someone enter the kitchen from behind me.

“Good morning.” Zacky greeted me brightly, running a hand through his hair as he stepped into the room.

I knew I was being completely stupid, but I didn’t know how to reply without sound totally awkward or embarrassed. So I took the rude option and didn’t reply at all.

I carried on making the coffee, pretending that I hadn’t just heard Zacky greet me and hoping that he would leave the room. Obviously, he didn’t.

“Okay, so, are you being unsociable because you’re hungover, or did you really not hear me because you haven’t properly woken up yet?” He asked, walking further into the room and leaning against the kitchen island as he stared at me.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora