Chapter Fifty-Six.

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Hey! Here's fifty six for youuuuuuuuu :) I'll try and type the next one up and get it out within the next few days as I have Mondays off college so I technically have a four day weekend, but I have an audition on Tuesday so I'm preparing for thattttttt

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A week later, I’d not come to terms with the breakup at all. It was weird being alone so much after two months of being around Zacky pretty much constantly and the loneliness wasn’t doing me much good. I’d begun to dwell on things again—things that Zacky had the power of making me forget. But now they were so obviously in my mind that they hurt me all the time. My dad had picked up on it, but had been so caught up with arranging his plans for his parents’ stay that he’d not paid it any attention. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

It also didn’t help that today was the day his parents were due to arrive. I’d assumed that since he’d broken up with me, Zacky would just make some excuse up to my dad about last minute urgent plans so that I wasn’t able to stay with him for the week. But that wasn’t the case at all. The week at Zacky’s was still very much going ahead, and I was dreading every second of the awkwardness and pain that was going to be around me. I was lucky in the sense that I’d had so much time to spend with Ronnie, so he’d probably pick me up whenever I wanted.

I woke up that morning as angry and hurt as ever. As I rolled over in my bed, a groan escaped my lips. The vacuum cleaner was humming downstairs and the alarm clock on my nightstand read “Monday, 10:20 AM” in red, angry letters and numbers. I sat up, wrapping the duvet around me and trying to keep warm as I studied my room, mulling over what to pack that would last me for a week. I desperately needed to get out of here before my dad’s parents arrived.

After spending maybe a little too long in the shower, I proceeded to get out began to get ready. I still seemed to be wasting time as I stood in a towel and dried my hair, as I appeared to be blowing the heat onto my shivering body rather than the soaking strands of my hair. As soon as I eventually finished drying it all off, I covered my face with a very light layer of makeup and got dressed, then going to pack myself a bag.

It took me ages. I’d been finding it so hard to think this past week that I seemed to just gormlessly stand in front of my bag and do nothing as if I was expecting the necessary things to make their way in there themselves. It was only when my dad started calling up the stairs to me that I jumped into action and began to throw numerous different toiletries, sets of underwear and items of clothing in there. I made sure to grab my laptop and iPod while I was at it, as I certainly wasn’t planning on doing much socialising with Zacky.

Pretty satisfied with what I’d packed, I grabbed my duffel bag and laptop bag and quickly made my way downstairs, the bags falling to the floor when I ran straight into my dad.

“My parents will be here in about...” His words trailed off as his gaze fell to the bag and his eyebrows shot up. “Jeez, Midge. Anyone would think you’re moving in with Zacky or something. You’ve practically got everything but the kitchen sink in there.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, shut up. It’s one duffel bag and my laptop. You’re totally exaggerating.”

Shaking his head, he picked the bags up, opening the front door. “I’ll put these in your car for you while you grab some breakfast or something.”

He disappeared out onto the driveway and I heaved a sigh, dragging my feet into the kitchen. I wasn’t remotely hungry, so I just grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and rifled through the first aid cupboard for some painkillers to ease my rapidly growing headache. I was in no particular rush as I’d be driving round to Zacky’s myself rather than have my dad take me, but I soon realised that he’d never actually told me when his parents were arriving, and I was suddenly placing the bottle of water down on the counter and grabbing my car keys out of my pocket.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now