Chapter Fifty-Four.

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Hiiiiii! Here's another update!

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“I don’t know why you’re sulking so much.”

Zacky pulled me closer to him as we laid down on my bed, cuddling into each other. He stroked my hair. “A week together with no interruptions sounds perfect to me.”

I nodded in agreement. He was right on that, but it didn’t change the fact that two people I really didn’t like were going to be in my home for the entire week next week. Sensing that my irritation was very much still there, he gently stroked my arm.

“And, you know, once next week is out the way, he’ll probably just go back to staying at their house. I doubt them coming here will be a regular thing.” He continued to try to change my mind over the situation.

“I know that.” I sighed, rolling over onto my front and fiddling with the edges of the pillow. “I just really don’t like them. The first time I met them, they were so, so rude, and you know one thing I can’t stand is—‘’

“Rude people.” He interrupted, nodding. “Man, don’t I know that. Seeing you stand up to some random rude stranger in a restaurant parking lot is probably one of the funniest experiences of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard before.”

A slight blush coloured my cheeks as I recalled the memory, and I buried my head into the pillow, also slightly laughing. It seemed so stupid and funny to me now, but at the time, I’d been extremely pissed off at the fact that some guy had decided to call me out on my parking, when it was actually him that had parked stupidly—I knew that because we’d arrived before he had. But still, he’d quickly become very rude and Zacky had watched and laughed while I’d retaliated.

Don’t fucking speak to me like that I’m a fucking human being, have some God-damn respect.” He attempted to impersonate me, making me laugh especially at how awfully he’d imitated my accent.

Laughing harder, I playfully punched his arm. “You really can’t do an English accent.”

“I can do an English accent just fine, thank you very much.”

I shook my head with a chuckle, sitting up and running a hand through my hair as I glanced at the clock. I didn’t have as much time with Zacky today, as my dad had only gone out to some stores to get some things for next week when his parents were staying, and also because we were having a family bonfire tonight, but two hours or so with Zacky alone was better than nothing.

“Can you stop looking at that clock?” He gave an infantile whine. “I’ll be gone before your dad gets home, you know that. Looking at it just reminds me that I have to leave soon.”

“Which is a good thing.” I pointed out, raising my eyebrows. “Because if you don’t get reminded, you’ll forget, and then my dad will catch us and we’ll be fucked, to put it bluntly.”

He chuckled, raising his arms and stretching. “Well thanks for that, Midge.”

As I smiled, I proceeded to lie back down and relax, closing my eyes. I obviously wasn’t planning to sleep my time with Zacky away, but he had only been here around half an hour or so, so I was sure ten minutes of rest wouldn’t hurt.

But of course, I wasn’t granted those ten minutes, as the second my eyes shut, Zacky’s lips were on mine. It was my turn to give an infantile whine then, and all he did was chuckle and deepen the kiss. I tried my hardest to just lie there and wait for him to get off, but it wasn’t long before I was getting lost in the moment and I began to kiss back.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now