Chapter Sixty-One.

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Hey! Here's sixty-one :) I've already started writing sixty-two so I'm hoping to have it out quicker :)

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Two weeks later, my dad had calmed a considerable amount, but we’d still not patched things up.

He only spoke to me when he absolutely had to, and that was often a very rare occasion. Other than that, it was usually mumbles or complete silence. He’d stopped asking me where I was going whenever I stepped out of the door, and also no longer asked me to text him whenever I got there to let him know I was safe. I truly felt like he hated me, and it was kind of tearing me apart.

But with things now properly back on track with Zacky and it now being early November, the Avenged family was beginning to make preparations for Christmas. I was happier than I had been, despite everything going on with my dad, but one thing I was majorly beating myself up over was the fact that I’d managed to neglect mine and Ronnie’s friendship again since things were so great with Zacky.

It wasn’t that I’d been ignoring his calls or texts. As a matter of fact, I’d actually answered every one of them. It was just that over the two weeks, I’d made numerous plans with him to meet up, and I’d not followed through with any of them. I knew it was mean and unfair of me, but Ronnie would offer to take me to party and I’d agree, only to receive a better offer from Zacky a couple of hours later that sounded more appealing to me. I’d ended up cancelling every single plan I’d made with him.

Today, however, I’d decided that I was just going to go and see Ronnie and stop putting it off. I had to some time, and with Zacky busy for the day, now was an ideal time.

I parked up on Ronnie’s driveway, hopping out of the car and immediately pulling my jacket tighter around me as the cold hit me. Out of habit, because I was so used to just walking into my family’s houses without knocking, I let myself into Ronnie’s house and kicked my shoes off, shoving my car keys into my pocket. Obviously hearing the sound of the door shutting, Ronnie came through from the living room, raising his eyebrows as if he’d forgotten that I’d agreed to come over.

“Oh, hey.” He greeted me casually. “It’s nice to finally see you.”

Before I even had a chance to reply, he strolled over and engulfed me in a hug, pulling me tightly into his chest and burying his face into my hair. I hugged back a little awkwardly, just wrapping one arm very limply around his back and allowing the other to hang down by my side. He didn’t seem to notice that anything was off, but the hug seemed a bit too intimate to me, and I soon found myself pulling away.

“So what’s been so important these past two weeks that you’ve had to cancel every plan we made together?” He asked, turning and walking back into the living room.

I quickly followed, clearing my throat. “Preparations for Christmas in the Avenged family are a lot more full-on than I thought.”

“Already?” He raised his eyebrows, grabbing the television remote and turning it on. “We’re only just into November.”

“There’s a lot to prepare.” I simply shrugged, looking away.

Seeming to happily accept that, he nodded and turned his attention to the television screen, beginning to get himself comfortable on the sofa. He’d appeared to have already set up a movie for us to watch, so I also proceeded to get myself into a comfortable position, staying on the opposite end of the sofa and resting my head on the arm.

I waited until Ronnie was completely engrossed in the movie before I began to text Zacky, just starting up a casual conversation. I didn’t want it to seem like I was being rude or I didn’t want to be here, but the thought of talking to Zacky was honestly much more appealing.

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