Chapter Sixty-Seven.

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Hey! Sorry it's been a little while again, things are really busy and stressful right now and I have a lot of college work to do! I'll try and update quicker though!

Please vote and comment, tell me what you think! Enjoy! <3


Shrill, rhythmic beeping woke me up.

I listened with my eyes closed for a second, assuming that it was my alarm and it would soon shut itself up. When it didn’t, it wasn’t long before I made an attempt to reach for the snooze button.

The slight movement of my hand sent an indescribable feeling washing over my body, and I realised that I couldn’t feel the plastic alarm clock on my nightstand that I usually could. My arm harshly collided with a metal bar of some sort, causing my eyes to fly open, and the first thing I saw was white walls and a bright light above me.

I was instantly sent into a state of panic at the realisation that I didn’t have a clue where I was. Though, I seemed to feel extremely groggy, and it was only then that I realised something was covering my nose and mouth.

Trying my absolute hardest to sit up—though it was, for some reason, proving to be extremely hard—I ripped the plastic thing away from my face, staring down at it and widening my eyes when I came to the realisation that it was an oxygen mask. A slight whimper left my lips, and suddenly, someone from beside me grabbed my hand.

Sharply turning my head, the first thing I saw was a terrified-looking Zacky. He looked absolutely exhausted, and his eyes were red as if he’d been crying. Just seeing him triggered something in my mind, and the memories of walking in on him and Gena and him following me to my house afterwards began to flood back into my head. I soon remembered arguing with him and getting drunk afterwards, but anything after that just wouldn’t come to my mind.

Midge.” He was the first to speak, his voice cracking like he was about to start sobbing.

I found that I wasn’t able to answer, even if I wanted to. And despite the fact that I was desperate to know what was going on, I had no particular want to talk to him while the imagine of him and Gena was replaying in my mind.

I made no effort to pull away, keeping my hand loosely beneath his as I stared around the room. It appeared to be a typical hospital room with the thick, unpleasant smell that all hospitals had and the white linoleum floor. The door was firmly shut, and it appeared to be just Zacky and I in the room, but the empty chair next to him was pushed back as if someone had been previously sat in it and had since gotten up and left.

Another whimper escaped my mouth and I made another attempt to hoist myself up. My confusion seemed to be somewhat upsetting me, and as a frown fell onto my face, I blinked away tears, no longer being able to take not knowing what happened

“Wh—‘’ I attempted to speak, wincing at the sore, raspy feeling in my throat. “Why am I here? What’s going on?”

Zacky used his free hand to drag over his face, licking his lips. “There was a fire at your house, Midge.” He told me, the cracking still evident in his voice.

“A fire?” I repeated his words, blinking. “What? bad?”

“Pretty bad.” He nodded. “I got all the way the home. Gena was there...and she and I argued. I told her where to shove it and stormed back out. I just wanted to see if you were okay, so I went back to yours...and I found the place in flames. I went straight in there to get you out. Your neighbour called the fire fighters and an ambulance and you were taken here.”

Again, I blinked. “...How long have I—‘’

“Only the night and all of today. It’s evening time already.” He cut in, shifting. “This all happened last night. I called your dad. He’s uh...around somewhere. He just went to get some water.”

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now