Chapter Thirty-One.

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Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, so, I know this chapter's pretty long, but it's because I'm going to America for two weeks next week, and I don't know if I'll get a chance to update. I'll try my hardest, but I'll be writing whenever I can and updates will go back to normal afterwards :)

Oh yeah...have a hot picture >

Please vote and comment! :3


The guy smirked at me, before following after me and falling into my stride.

“Guess I’ve made a new friend.” He said with a smug smile. “What’s your story, anyway?”

“Watch it.” I smirked back at him. “I don’t do friends. And I’m here, living with my dad after escaping from my mother and leaving England. What’s yours?”

“Just trying to survive, really.” He shrugged.

I couldn’t deny the fact that I was intrigued by him. I wanted to know more.

“Survive from what?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I don’t exactly have much money, obviously. Just trying to get by.”

Despite the fact that he’d added obviously into the sentence, I didn’t think it was all that obvious. Or maybe I’d just not observed him enough. Either way, he looked like a regular person to me, neither wealthy nor poor.

“Ah, well,” I said, looking at him, “You look pretty good for a guy with little money.”

“As I said...trying to get by.”

“Hm...” I tilted my head. “Cute.”

A smirk tugged at his lips as he continued to stare forward and walk. I was guessing he was leading the way, because I certainly wasn’t.

“I could say the same for you, but I didn’t think it very appropriate in the station.” He said.

“You look better without a split lip, anyway.” I chuckled, then pausing. “You do know you’re leading the way, right? Where are we going?”

Again, he shrugged. “I don’t know where I’m going most of the time. That’s not always a bad thing, did lead me to you again.”

I frowned, feeling myself get defensive. Even if I was intrigued by him, the fact that he saw me as a good thing was a completely bad idea. My guard was rising, just like it always did when meeting people...people like him, especially. I was so used to being pushed away and brushed off, I expected him to do it, too.

“Let’s get this straight now.” I stopped in my tracks, making him look at me. “I am not a good thing. You need to understand that. Now, where’s this alcohol?”

He didn’t seem the slightest bit taken back or put out by what I’d said. In fact, it almost seemed like he found it amusing.

“Well,” He murmured, stepping closer towards me, “I’m not a good thing, if we’re just as bad as each other...then we’re just as good as each other.”

As he finished the sentence, he proceeded to pull a bottle of vodka out from his jacket as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Which, for him, it probably was.

“You always come prepared?” I said, a smirk growing on my face.


“I like that.” I chuckled.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now