Chapter Twenty-Two.

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If there was something I’d learned from living here already, it was that there was always something going on. There was either always someone round, or we were always going somewhere, and it made me feel good. It made me feel like I belonged.

Zacky had left quite soon after breakfast, leaving my dad and I to hang out together. It was a simple yet fun day, just lounging around the house, playing some video games and eating food, of course. I think Jason felt a little bad that he was going over to Johnny’s tonight, even though he’d invited me—it’d been my choice to stay home.

“If you need anything, just come round or ring me.” He said as he stepped out onto the driveway. He turned and pulled me into a hug. “You sure you’re gonna be okay?”

“Dad,” I rolled my eyes, “You’re going to Johnny’s house. It’s like...a five minute walk. I’m not going to die.”

“Alright, kiddo.” He laughed, ruffling my hair. “Have a good night.”

With that, he got in his car and set off. I honestly had no idea why he was driving to Johnny’s, but I didn’t think any more of it.

It made me realise that it was the first alone time I’d had in a few days, and I neither liked it nor disliked it. I had an issue with the quiet, like always, but I was peaceful.

I jumped onto the sofa and switched the TV on, casually flicking through the channels without really paying any attention to what programmes were on. There was nothing in particular I really wanted to watch, so I just left it on some soap opera and then began to play on my phone. The television was just background noise as I became engrossed in texting my cousins, but I was snapped out of it when the phone rang.

Sighing, I got up off the couch and dragged my feet over where the phone was, picking it up and answering.

“Hello?” I said, my tone obviously bored.

“Hey, Midge.” Zacky’s voice replied. “I think I left my jacket round at your place. Do you mind if I come get it?”

“You did?” I questioned, then glancing over at the chair that had a black jacket hanging over it. I’d been assuming it was my dad’s. “Oh, uh...sure. Come on over.”

“Great. Thanks. I’ll be there soon.” And with that, he cut off.

I placed the phone back on its stand and then grabbed Zacky’s jacket, putting it out in the hall for him to grab as soon as he got here. In the least creepiest way possible, as I folded the jacket and placed it down, I couldn’t help but notice the distinct smell of cologne that it gave off.

Hearing my phone buzz with another text in the living room, I turned and started back towards it, though I stopped in my tracks when a knock came to the front door. I’d not expected Zacky to get here so quickly, simply because I’d assumed he’d walk, but he must’ve taken his car.

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora