Chapter Forty-Three.

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I am sooooo sorry it's been a few weeks! I've had some shit going on and I found it hard to concentrate on writing, but I finally managed to finish this chapter. Sorry it's not great, but it will get more exciting ehe :)

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A week later, things were pretty much back to normal.

After I’d gotten home from bumping into Zacky at the beach, my dad had decided to have some huge talk with me about my behaviour. He decided not to ground me, considering it didn’t really work the first time, but he’d made me promise to behave better.

I’d not yet had my swim with Zacky that he’d promised me, though. The day after the incident at the beach, I decided to just stay home and keep things a little low key as a start towards getting back in my dad’s good books. I’d not seen Zacky since, and I was weirdly missing being around him more than anyone.

Which was understandable, I guess. Considering my feelings for him were stronger than ever.

And for some reason, I’d also fixed things with Ronnie. He’d not once acknowledged the incident in Long Beach, even though I could tell he definitely did remember it. I just decided to accept the fact that he was going to go on pretending as though at it never happened, and I was just going to live with it—even though that night was still scaring me, a lot.

So things went back to how they were, and I started seeing Ronnie a lot more regularly. My dad had a huge issue with it, as did the rest of the family, but they kept their opinions to themselves.

I’d been out with Ronnie all night at some party, and was now finally making my way back home at ten AM. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect—whether my dad would be mad or if he’d be slightly used to it by now, but when I entered my house after tiredly dragging my feet across town, everything seemed pretty calm.

Upon walking into the kitchen where I knew my dad would be, I came to the realisation that he probably hadn’t heard me come in, as he was otherwise occupied with the fact that Zacky was here. Zacky noticed me immediately, throwing me a grin, and the only thought that instantly entered my mind was about how shit I probably looked from being out all night. I felt suddenly self conscious.

“Hey...” I greeted both of them, trying to keep composed as I placed my house key down on the kitchen island and sat down on one of the bar stools.

Immediately, my dad turned around, throwing me a warm grin. “Hey, kiddo.”

It was relieving to know that he wasn’t the slightest bit mad at me, and my smile then became more genuine. No matter how terrible I probably looked, I was certainly feeling more comfortable.

“Are you making breakfast?” I asked, watching as my dad walked to the fridge. “I’m starving.”

“Sure am.” He smiled. “You want some?”

With a nod from me, my dad proceeded to get started with breakfast while I sat at the counter, typing away at my phone. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and I knew they weren’t my dad’s. For whatever reason, Zacky was staring at me, and it was only making me feel like I looked worse than I thought I did.

I eventually looked up from my phone to meet Zacky’s gaze, noticing that he’d not bothered to hide the fact that he’d been staring like any other person would’ve done. As my dad continued to prepare the food, wrapped up in his own thoughts, I sent Zacky a smile.

“Hi...” I greeted him politely, locking my phone and placing it down on the counter.

He immediately grinned back at me. “Hey.”

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay - (Jason Berry/Zacky Vengeance)Where stories live. Discover now