Chapter Sixty-Five.

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Hey! I'm sorry it's been like...over a week! D: I have to learn lines for college and it's proving to be waaaaaaay harder than expected right now. I know this isn't very long, but I'm hoping to make the next one longer :)

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Hours seemed to pass with me curled up on the grass at the park, crying silently into my hands.

As dark was nearing, I couldn’t help but notice the thick black clouds that were looming over me. Every time I was positive that I’d heard a rumble of thunder, my teary gaze darted upwards at the sky, studying the clouds as my mind tried to work out if it was just my imagination.

It was the second time that I glanced up that a cold raindrop fell directly onto my face, hitting my forehead and mixing into my tears as it rolled down. As more and more droplets of water began to rapidly pelt from the sky, I pulled the hood of my jacket up over my head, trying to somewhat shelter myself. The minute a definite booming of thunder roared from what seemed like directly above me, I was up on my feet and practically sprinting out of the park.

It seemed like ages of running before I finally stopped at the turn-in to my street, keeling over as I tried to catch my breaths. I managed to quickly calm myself, standing upright and glancing over at my house to see my dad’s car still in the driveway. A sigh escaped my lips—I’d been hoping he’d have gone to his parents’ house by now so that I could go somewhere warm and sheltered to continue unleashing my tears. After minutes of thinking, I decided my best bet was to just push my argument with Zacky aside and go over to his house. I desperately needed somebody to comfort me.

I could have easily just walked the short walk over to his street and turned up like I usually did, but I felt that after two days of not talking to him, it was only right to call him and let him know first.

As I whipped my phone out of my pocket, the screen quickly becoming covered with raindrops, I began to shiver. My jacket was now completely soaked through, and it didn’t help that it was absolutely freezing. My teeth chattered as I clicked the “call” button under Zacky’s contact name, raising the phone to my ear as I waited for it to ring.

“Hey, you’ve reached my voicemail, leave a message and I’ll call you ba—‘’

“Fuck.” I murmured, cutting the call off before I even allowed the voicemail message to finish. It wasn’t very often that Zacky didn’t have his phone on him, so I couldn’t imagine what he’d currently be doing for it to so quickly go through to voicemail.

I continued to just stand there on the side of the street, staring down at my phone as if I was expecting it to tell me where Zacky was. I contemplated trying to call him again, but decided it’d be much easier for me to just go over to his house rather than wait for him to return my calls.

Just as I shoved my phone into my pocket and began walking again, it began to vibrate loudly. I immediately pulled it back out, assuming Zacky was already calling me back, but seeing the words “unknown caller” at the top of my screen had a frown falling onto my face. I spent so long just staring at the screen that the call soon cut off, but whoever it was called again only seconds later.

“Hello?” I snapped irritably as I slid the arrow across and held the phone to my ear. “Who is this?”


I blinked at the sound of my mum’s voice.

For the life of me, I did not have a single clue why she was calling, and it seemed absolutely ridiculous that it was happening after an argument with my dad in which he’d stated I was just like my mother. I opened my mouth as if I was about to reply, but nothing came out except the slightest little squeak.

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