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•Mike POV•
When we arrived back at the house, El was obviously relieved but tired. She turned to her pillow fort and her face lit up and she sat down in it. It was late so I decided I wouldn't tell my mom about her until tomorrow morning. It was Saturday tomorrow so I could spend the whole day with El.

"So, do you guys wanna sleep over? I'm sure my mom won't care."

"Sure!" They all replied in unison.

Since they slept over so much, they all had a pair of pj's already here. When we went back downstairs, El was asleep and it made me smile.

"Awwwww! Mike has a crush!" Dustin whispered.

"Shut up Dustin!" I replied and we all headed back to my room.

•Eleven POV•
I woke up to a surprise of Mike's basement. I forgot most of last night but still knew what happened. I was happy to be back in Mike's house and this time, I would have a family... hopefully. Ten minutes after I woke up I heard four boys trample down the stairs to the basement to find me awake.

"Oh, hey El you're awake!" Mike said excitedly.

"It's time to tell my mom about you, so just stay here and I'll go tell her I'll be right back. The boys will be here with you!"

"O-ok." I swallowed and clenched my fists.

Would his mom kick me out? What if she thinks I'm a weirdo?

The three boys were staring at me while I rocked back and forth, completely zoned out.

"You hid her for a week!?" I heard Mrs. Wheeler screaming.

There was some more unclear talking before I heard

"where is she? Bring me to her."

I closed my eyes and started to breathe quicker. I couldn't go back to the lab. I just couldn't let her send me back.

•Mike POV•
I followed my mom down the stairs to the basement where we saw the three boys and El.

"This poor girl!" My mom cried.

"Micheal, go get your sister. We are going to take this girl shopping so she can get some real clothes.... where did she come from exactly?"

My mom kneeled down and put her hand on El's shoulder.

"She was um... experimented on by this old man."

•Eleven POV•
I didn't exactly know what shopping was but I think it's going to be fun. We pulled up in front of I big building and got out of the car. Mrs. Wheeler moved quickly and walked ahead of Mike and I. I thought about the time before I disappeared. When Mike and I were alone at his school. He did something, and I'm still not sure what he did. But I liked it. It made my stomach twist and turn.

"Mike?" I figured I'd ask him.

"Yea El?"

"What does this mean?"

I leaned in and quickly pressed my lips to his. His cheeks turned bright red and he turned to make sure his mom didn't see. We had almost reached the door of the big building.

"Well that's called a kiss. It's something you do with..uh.. someone you like. More than a friend, you do it with someone you think about more than anything else, someone you care about more than anything else."

I think I understood. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the big building.

•Mike POV•
When she kissed me my face got hot. I was shocked. She smiled back and I grabbed her hand. We went into the mall and immediately she was in awe. She ran ahead of me and went to the first clothing rack she saw. I loved watching her bolt around the store with a big grin on her face. Once she had pretty much selected everything in the store, she went to try on all her outfits. She came out and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled every time. She'd turn to me for approval and of course she looked absolutely beautiful in everything. All I could do each time was smile. It felt good to finally have her back.

•Eleven POV•
I had so much fun getting new clothes. Every time I showed Mike my new outfit, he turned bright red and smiled. When his face turned red it made me smile. We got all the clothes and went back to Mike's house. I wanted to tell Mike so many things about Papa but I couldn't, I don't know why, I just didn't know how to talk like he did.

•Will POV•
It was Sunday which meant all the boys were going to Mike's house. When we got there, Mike was acting kinda weird.

"Hey man, is everything ok?" Lucas asked as he sat beside him on the couch.

"Yea it's just, El isn't feeling good. I'm just worried."

He looked over to the closed bathroom door and then turned back to us.

"Is she like... throwing up?" Lucas asked him.

"No, she just has a bad stomach ache and wanted to stay in the bathroom just incase."

He sighed as Dustin whispered "Awwww Mike's worried about his girlfriend!"

As he started making kissy sounds.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He replied almost as if he was questioning himself. Weird. At noon we started playing D&D and about an hour later El came out of the bathroom. Mike got up and went straight over to her.

"Are you ok? Do you need to go to the doctors?" Mike asked. She had a very concerned look on her face.

"No. It just... hurts." She replied motioning to her stomach.

"Nancy" she said and went up the stairs. That's weird.

•Nancy POV•
I heard a knock on my door and opened it to find El.

"Oh, hey El!" I said, letting her in.

She sat on my bed and looked at me in concern.

"Why do I hurt?" She motioned to her stomach.

"You probably just don't feel good but if anything else happens, come talk to me. I'm your big sister!"

At that she smiled and left the room. I had a feeling she would be back soon.

•Eleven POV•
I walked back down to the basement and Mike looked up at me. I gave him a look to let him know I was ok and sat down on the couch. Before I knew it I was asleep. It felt good to not be afraid anymore.
I have a fan page on Instagram, follow me! @e.ggos4eleven

Hey friends! I haven't updated in a little bit but here you go! I'm really excited for the next chapter and I hope you guys like it!

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