Taking Over

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•Will POV•
Something was taking over. Something evil. I felt it entering my body and I didn't know how to stop it. I needed to get away from Hawkins. I sprinted to the one place I knew that nobody would go. I entered and breathed in the different air surrounding me. This would keep everyone safe from me.

•Eleven POV•
Four days left until the snowball. I woke up Tuesday morning and sat up in my bed as looked out the window. I checked my clock and realized I had gotten up extremely early, so why not surprise Mike? I rushed to my closet to change into a long sleeve light pink t shirt with a white skirt and scarf. I slipped my feet into a pair of white high tops and made my way to the kitchen. As I popped four Eggos into the toaster, I realized Will hadn't been in the dream last night. I shrugged it off and continued to make breakfast. I put two Eggos on each plate and added Mike's favorite topping to one of the plates. I grabbed a fork and headed upstairs to his room to greet him with a warm breakfast. I quietly opened the door and set the two plates down on his dresser. I sat on the edge of his bed, waking him up. "Good morning" he said, his voice raspy from just waking up. I grinned and handed him his plate. "Thanks El." He smiled making me smile even harder. He sat up and we ate together in the comforting silence.

•Dustin POV•
Lucas and I stood at the bike rack waiting for Will, Mike, and El. We watched Mike and El slowly approach the school, looking cautious of any government cars. "Hey boys!" El chirped. "Hey El." We said in unison. "Where's Will?" Mike asked as he put his bike on the rack. "Maybe he's running late?" Lucas added. El looked to the floor and started to draw in the dirt with her feet. "El do you know something?" Mike asked making her stop drawing and look up at us. "He wasn't in the dream last night." She admitted to us. We headed inside hoping that Will would be inside but he was nowhere to be found. "Maybe he's just sick or something." They all turned to me and nodded nervously, and headed off to their classes.

•Joyce POV• (OMG)
*this morning*
I made my way out of my room and found Jonathan in the kitchen cooking his food. "Where's Will?" He shrugged and continued to stir the eggs. "Will! Time to get up honey!" I yelled, opening his door. I stopped when I found the same thing I found 1 year ago. His empty bed.

•Jonathan POV•
I entered the school still feeling a nervous pit in my stomach about Will. I walked through the halls still unpopular but happier than I'd been in the past. "Hey Jonathan!" Nancy and Steve said in unison as they passed me. I smiled in response and continued down the hallway. Steve had gotten rid of Tommy and Carol ever since last year and had become even more popular. I talked to them once in a while but never really hung out with them and their new group of friends. At lunch that day I sat alone at the table I had sat at for what seemed like forever. I kept my eyes on my food and ate in silence until I heard someone calling my name, it was Steve. "Hey man wanna come sit with us?" I looked at his table to see Nancy and a few other kids smiling over at me. "Sure uh thanks." I replied confused at the random invitation. I sat in a free space next to Nancy and watched everyone go around the table to introduce themselves. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

•Mike POV•
I'm convinced that eighth grade is the worst grade ever. That's what Nancy says at least. The final bell rang and a stampede of middle schoolers filled the hallway, everyone going in a different direction. My direction was El's locker. I made my way over as she was just closing her locker. "Perfect timing!" She said smiling as I approached. Dustin and Lucas approached from behind us. "We should stop at Wills to see if he's ok." Dusting suggested and we all agreed, getting on our bikes.

•Will POV•
The air felt cold and toxic against my skin. I had begun to feel myself change even more. It was slowly taking over more and more. I had to stay away from everyone. Could I kill this thing? I'll have to find a way.

•Jonathan POV•
I heard a knock on the door and opened it to find Mike and El holding hands and Lucas and Dustin snickering at the two. "Hey guys! Have you seen Will?" I asked and they all gave me a concerned look. "That's what we came over for. To see if Will was here." Lucas stated. My heart dropped. "MOM!" I raced into the house to find her. She looked up at me from Wills bed with a look of hope in her eyes. "Wills friends are here." She launched up from her seat and followed me into the living room where all of them were sitting. "No Will?" She asked them as they shook their heads. Elevens eyes suddenly widened as she looked up to my mom. "What? Did something happen." My mom began to panic. "I can find him." El said with confidence in her tone. We remembered Will telling us how he was connected to Eleven but we never really discussed the topic after that. Hopefully she could find them though. Or else, this time my brother might not come back to life.

Omg I updated! There's a sequel coming out for this book I'm just trying to figure out what to call it. But yea this story is going to have two books so get ready for another book and a huge plot twist! I'm not sure if any other fan fics have done what I'm going to do (probably) but you won't see it coming!

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