Chapter Three: The other Dimension

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That was all I heard,
I hugely doubt that was Yui since she didn't want me anymore,
So it was probably just me, I still don't regret jumping off the rooftop...

It was Yui's wish after all,
What's there to regret? Nothing.

I let the gravity do the job...
I was falling...falling...falling...
Then a 'boom' sound came to me...

I died.

What? Why am I still alive? I'm still breathing,
And My heart is still beating,
What the?

I opened my eyes to find out I'm in a bed,
"What in the? Where am I?" I said
I honestly don't know where I am,
Maybe this is heaven?
I don't really know...

Then a bang got in, the door opened.

"Ahh. You're Awake! And probably wandering where the hell are you? Well you're only in...
Dazelynn's Hospital!" A neko girl wearing a school uniform came bursting out of nowhere
"What? Dazelynn? Hospital? A Cat? Where am I? Am I dead?" I asked too fast
I want answers, QUICK!

"Whoa! Easy there only one question at a time missy! First of all, My name is Cattie Kauna, but you can call me Cattie-chan!

Second, you're not dead silly!
You just zapped in front of the hospital,
I don't know why but a galaxy-like aura was with you when I took you in...
You must be a human!
That's odd...I didn't know humans have galaxy auras with them?

Anyway, Welcome to Dazelynn!
Another dimension! You're very lucky because human race are not many in this place,
And we have nothing to do with them anyway,
This place is filled with magic!

Well not the kind of magic with bunnies,
But that'll really be cute, Our magic here is divided into four sections:
-Counter and Protection Magic
-Gods and Goddess' Magic
-Simple Magic
-Dark Magic
These four balance all the magic in the whole universe...
With one of them missing...
Things will get a little, messed up!

I, only have Simple Magic, so I'm not that powerful... but you? I don't even know what kind of magic you posses,

But, there's solution for èvery problem!
Now, that we don't know what your power is yet, You need to attend Gravity High,
That's my school! It's practically a school for children who have special or ordinary powers the school trains us with our powers,

And since yours is not yet developed...
You're gonna attend as a ordinary student!
I'm sure your gonna figure out your powers anytime soon!" I was staring at her the whole time! I think I didn't even blinked

I just couldn't get over the fact that I'm not dead yet, and this, this

Fantasy Thingys?

"So, basically... I just have to attend school?
And live normally here? But what about my parents? Relatives? How about my old life?"
I said to her

"Oh that! I personally think that if you really love them...You wouldn't jump off the rooftop,
And second, I don't know myself how to get you back...but maybe the principal in Gravity High can help!

But she wouldn't do that...
She never does special things to students,
Because it will start jealousy and hatred to one another...
In which she doesn't know that it was high school, High School is full of that!
I'm pretty sure that yours is like that too,
I mean even in different dimensions some things are pretty much the same." she explains

"Uhh. When's the school's start?
If I can't get back yet... I'll just 'enjoy' my stay here," I said putting quotations to the enjoy part.
"Besides, only my family will miss me...
No one else..." I said to her remembering what happened before the fall

"Great! You're gonna enjoy your stay here,
And I'm gonna be with you every step of the way!" She beamed
"Thanks...Cattie-chan..." I told her

"Eeeek! You, you called me, my nickname! Eeeek! No one calls me that before!" She squealed again
"Heh. Okay, oh! Wait I haven't introduced myself, I'm Chance Tenforth...Nice to meet you!" I said happily

"Well Chance, let's get you out of this bed!
Here's some clothes, meet me at the info desk at ground floor, okay? And before I forget, Your purple hair is so amazing!!! And you're so cute and pretty!" She says
"Uh-huh," I said nodding

I quickly rushed into the bathroom,
I dressed up into the clothes Cattie-chan gave me, only to find out that those aren't just clothes...
They were uniforms! 
I was done changing and thought about what Cattie-chan said,
My hair? It was purple? I thought it was natural black? And I just noticed,
I'm not wearing glasses!

My eyesight must've been cured,
I checked out myself in a mirror, and was shocked, my hair really is Purple?!
But h-how did it happen?

Well my eyesight, was cured...
So maybe what happend to my hair was natural? I'll just keep telling myself that...

I arrived at the ground floor,
And see that people are staring at me?
What did I do?
Ohh. Maybe because I'm human? Yeah that's it!

I saw Cattie-chan and walked up to her,
"Cattie-chan! " I squealed to her
"Chance? What's the problem?" She asks
"Nothing" I said
"Actually, there is something! We're am I staying? Where can I live? I mean, I can't just live in the streets"

"Oh, hahaha! Of course! How could I forget, Every student in Gravity High is ordered to live in the school apartment, for special reasons, as they say... The room is huuge! And the apartment is like a 5× size mansion, I can tell because I've seen it..."

"Oh, I see, I guess I have so much to learn huh?" I said thinking what and how am I going to fit-in, in this dimension.

But I guess,
Like always... I have to wait to find out



So sorry!
I did not update fast, okay before freaking out, I have an 3 word explanation!

That's it! That's basically it!

And also, I'm grounded on using any gadget, except if it's for school,
Sad. Isn't it? Oh I know.

Before I head on to the next Chapter,
I would like to thank my best friend. He was really the one who encouraged me to move on, (with the chapters, not my lovelife, which I don't have 😂)

That's all, thanks guys and see you next chapter! Ciaò

Purple KnightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora