Chapter 14: Training with Xander

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A sunny morning awakens me as I fold my bed's cover. I promised Xander that'll we'll meet today infront of the school's cafè

Though I don't know why he would choose such a place, but I also don't see why not.
It's just that people might get the wrong idea..
Well, who the heck am I to care, if I know the truth there's no need to worry.

And as if someone will get jealous, no one likes me or anything.. so its fine.

I locked my door and trotted my way downstairs.

I was silently humming when out of nowhere, someone pulled into a closed down alley

I immediately freaked out.
The figure slowly revealed himself...

"Neon?" I said
The light green haired mind reader smiled

"Yes?" He grins
"What do you mean 'Yes'? Why'd you pull me into a abandoned alley? People might get the wrong idea!"
I whisper-shouted to him

"And so?" He said in grimace
"Dummy.." I mumbled

I walked away from the alley and ignore him, He isn't acting very much like himself today.
I wonder what's wrong.

He stretched his arms and layed it on my shoulders

"Seriously, what is up with you?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed and mouth pouted.

"You are, Chance. I've seen you, not only with one guy, but three dudes lately. What have you been doing since you left the organization?" He whispers

"It's none of your business what I'm doing. And just to remind you, all of you, you guys are the reason why I left the organization. So stop sticking your nose into someone else's problem.
Go check out Yoshina instead, you like her right? Rest your elbows on her shoulders, not mine."
I said and ran from the mind reader

"Seriously, what happend to him? He's acting like a total Jerk! This is so not like Neon."
I told myself

As much as I want to know, I think I'm gonna skip out, I don't want to shout at him again.
He must have troubles, I don't wanna burden him more and more.

(A/n: Chance. So, she's just gonna ignore the fact that I made Neon act completely jealous? She's just gonna ignore that?! Oh gosh, I made a really numb girl.)

I opened the sliding doors and walked over my seat, I placed my bag on the table and rested my head there.
Completely unaware of the person in front of me.

"So.. You're Chance Tenforth?" A girl with wavy golden hair and a blue headband that's tied behind her hair that reaches unto her back.

"Uhm, Yeah." I said

"Just a little reminder softie, don't try to get close to people you don't know the value of.
In short, know your place."
She says and walks away along with the two girls behind her that seemed to be her 'servants'.

She called me softie. I want to punch her for that, I ain't no softie, partner

"I don't. They do.." I whispered

"What did you just say?!" She freaked, Woah. She got a good ear to hear what I said

"So, just because popular guys near you.. you think so highly of yourself?! Just so you know, you're nothing but a human! A mere human!" She screamed at me Which cause too much attention.

"Tch. Famewhore..." I whispered once more, which earned me an undeserving slap.

The hit was so hard that it made my cheeks bleed.
She was so shocked to see my blood in her hands,
A lot of students gathered around and a nearby teacher saw the forming crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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