Chapter 12: A Hiro, A Blacksmith, and a Stutter Master

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"Good Morning, Sunshine." I said as I yawned and stretched my way into the bathroom

"Okay so.. Saturnium stands for Saturday, Sundawn for Sunday, Mondio for Monday, Tuesnisous for Tuesday, Wednical for Wednesday, Thursend for Thursday and Fricta for Friday." I memorize while taking a bath

When I was about to leave for school I heard two school girls talking:

"Hey, have you heard?" -Girl1
"Heard what? What is it?!" -Girl2
"Hiro Morphtaphel is going to transfer here next week!"
"Hiro Morphtaphel? Who's that?" -Girl2
"Are you dumb? You don't know who he is?" -Girl1
"No. Who is he?" -Girl1

"Hiro Morphtaphel is the son of King Hero and Queen Damsel.. He's the crown Prince of the Victorious Kingdom, the 7th Kingdom of Dazelynn. He's a natural born protagonist from the core. But truth be said. He's actually a total bad boy!
Myths says that he's one of the most good-looking Dazelynian royalties, besides Prince Flames of course!" -Girl1

"Now, I remember! He's really handsome isn't he?
Hardcore handsome!" -Girl2

"C'mon! Let's get going.. I can't wait for next week!" -Girl1

"You're not alone!" -Girl2

Hiro Metamorphic? Metapool? Metamecha?
Ugh.. Nevermind, It's none of my business.

I continued my path to my classroom..
It stroke me a memory..

I entered my classroom, I don't know anyone.. Probably because I'm new.
I sat at the chair by the window.. You know, the place where anime characters sit? I know, anime rocks!

I viewed the window next to me..
"Wow, what a great view from here.." I said in awe

"I know right! Hi I'm Yui Hashita.."
"Yui Hashita.."
"Yui Hashita.."

I went back to my senses.
Thinking about Yui is not my priority right now.
What I need to take my thoughts is about finding a way to get that  book!
It's the only key on finding out who I really am!

I opened the sliding doors and walked over my desk.
I just sat there and watched my talking classmates.
The second month just started and I still don't know any of my classmates..
Should I talk to them?

Nahh.. I don't think that's a very good idea.
I learned my lesson, two times even!
From Yui.. and the organization..

The bell rang which signaled the students to sit down and calm themselves..
Though I could still hear murmurings, it wasn't as loud as before the bell rang.

The teacher came in, which was Miss Louise Kernera, a B-level magician and a Windonian.
She's very strict and doesn't talk except is she's teaching a lesson.

"Good Morning Class. Today I would be very happy to announce to you all that we have a two new students.
One is from the Victorious Kingdom and the other is a Dazelynian." She introduces in a not-so-very-happy tone.

"Please welcome, Your Highness,
Prince Hiro Morphtaphel.. and the royal blacksmiths son, Rueben Blacksmith. I know, they're late transferees. But I believe these two can catch up to our lessons in no time at all... Gentlemans. Please introduce yourselves." Miss Louise says to the two

The Hiro dude walked into the middle first.
He carried a winning smile, perfect for your typical Prince Charming. All the other girls squealed which made his smile brighter.

"Good Morning to everyone. As you all know, I am, and no other that Prince Hiro Morphtaphel.
The only heir and Crown Prince to the Victorious Kingdom. I may not be all-around perfect, but I promise to make everyone smile..
Please take care of me."
He introduced which earned him 'Awwws' from the ladies and 'Hmmps' from the guys

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