Chapter 11: Chance's Skills

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It was again, a nice sunny day at Dazelynn...
I woke up peacefully and twirled around and opened the windows to let some sunshine in.

It was Saturday- wait a minute...
I have completely NO idea how time works here..
Oh great. How stupid of me..😑
Back to the story. Since I'm sure there's no classes today. I had nothing to do...
I didn't wake up early because I wanted to enjoy my blissful sleep, WHICH I haven't gotten very well because of early classes and late meetings.

Though, I would never trade these tired feelings for anything in the whole world, It was another experience that I would need to further learn in life
Nicely said. Am I right?
I just love talking about life in silly yet entertaining poems, It feels nice.

I got dressed up in my black polo uniform and Gravity High skirt, though I just weared my black socks and violet sneakers. I was wearing my usual uniform in a Saturday, Yep! I'm doin ' it the "Tenforth Way"

I then sneaked my way towards the School doors and onwards to the Organization, because we had a regular morning meeting... which we always talked nothing about the Castian. Froze, Yoshi-senpai, Ice, and Neon would do a research in the library...
While I usually just take down notes, and takes pictures of the pages if it's too long.

His Highness would gather up his guards to help us sometimes, and at some moments those guards would let us borrow some books at the royal library.
We're not allowed to go in there so we let those guards do the book-getting...

I arrived at my destination and found no one again.

So I decided to begin the research all by myself, I ran up the library that we use and scanned through the hundreds of books that were located there. I took out my notebook and pen and started to take notes.
It was a hard job, I admit, but it was the only thing I could contribute to the organization. So, Yeah...

It wasn't long before I heard some books crashing towards the ground that almost shocked me to death.
I walked over the resource of the sudden noise,
And I just found an unexpected Dazelynian laying in the cold floor with fallen books around them.

Ice Kangetsou.

"Ice? You alright? What happend here?"
I asked and lifted a book that was on top of him, revealing his fair and delicate face, he's cute, I could easily say that. I smiled at him and his eyes widened in surprise, he rose up... and.

Uhh, his head bumped mine!

"Ouch~" We both said and rubbed our foreheads,
We then laughed at how dumbed we were at that time

"So? What really happened? How did all these books fallen down towards you?" I asked again and picked a nearby book which had a very intresting look, name, and origin. I tried to find the Author's name but failed

"The Purple Knight." I said reading the book cover.
"Intresting..." I smiled at the book and took it
Ice then spoke softly

"Uhh. Umm- I-er.. I was doing some research and... I t-tried to r-reach a book but I c-couldn't so... I accidentally pulled the other books... and falled to the ground." He said and scratched his back head

"I see, you're an early bird huh? Must be fate! I was doing early researches as well... Mind joining me?"
I asked him and smiled

"S-Sure." He agreed

We were in the middle of research when Ice spoke up
"H-hey... Tenforth-" Before I cut him off
"Chance. Just call me Chance, No need to be formal"
I said to him and he gave me a nod

"Chance, you're a human right?" He asked
"Yes. Why'd you asked?" I replied politely

"Well, um.. If you're a human, then how did you suddenly appeared in Dazelynn? This place has a barrier that only lets authorised personel in."
He asked again

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