Chapter 10: Meat and Greet [3]

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"Ouch!" I exclaimed to myself
Why do I always bump unto people?

"H-hey, sorry..." I said apologising to the person I bumped into.
Why am I just so clumsy!

"Watch where you're going will ya?!" He loudly screams which caught everyone's attention, It angered me so much because he was the one who wasn't looking in the way...
Or maybe it was me? Oh yeah, it's probably me because I kept my head down I didn't saw anyone walking closer towards me...

But if he saw me, shouldn't he have moved away? So it's basically both our faults...
If it's our fault, then I'm not the only one who isn't looking in the way!

"Hey! You have eyes too! I'm not the only one who's distracted and not looking in the way!"
I shouted back at him but then...

Oh my gosh, how is this possible?!

"You Again?!" We both shouted in unison which got more people stare at us in a akward way, which made me uncomfortable

Then suddenly, he pulled my hand and soon we were running past the people passing by us.
If you're wandering whom I am with...
Well, this useless human only bumped into one the most important Dazelynians royalty,
Yup! You got it right....
I'm with his Highness, Prince Flames.

But in other topic, this is my first time a boy held my hand, I'm usually the type of person whom never socialize, even in my first years of middle school...
I was always that outsider kid who everyone fears to talk to... I was even called a witch back in preschool, what a sad childhood...
His hand is so soft!
It's like getting pulled by a giant marshmallow or by Baymax! I was silently turning crimson pink... but I had stoped after some time.

We both stoped and I somehow found a chance to ask him why did he pulled me, but of course, He's a Prince! And may I repeat... A freaking Prince?! I can't just rudely ask him a question, what if he'd cut my head off?!
Arrgghh! I feel so useless and unimportant at times like this!

"Why did you pull me?"
Yet, with a nervous voice... I still asked him
"So you mean you want to be stared akwardly back there? Well, I don't! If they found out that-" he was cut off by that flaming cat
That I forgot the name of

"Pretty rude there Missy! How dare you talk to the Prince so casually?! But anywho, If they found out that both of us are wandering around such a unguarded place, His Highness, and most of all... Me! Will be punished! So we had to run away, and his Highness just gradually got you pulled too!"
She said with that snarky voice...

"Yeah, what she said." The Prince said in a bored tone

"Oh, okay then... T-th-th-tha-tanks. No, T-th-th-tha-Tan.Nope, T-th-th-tha-than-Thanks." I said quietly, who can blame me?
I never ever as in never said thanks to anyone in my wholeee.. entiiiree Liiifee!
Which made the prince's eyes widened in utter shock
"D-did y-you just say...Thanks?" He says and gave me the look

"Hmm? Yeah. I guess so" I said in that whisper tone again
"Ahahaha. I didn't even knew you know how to say Thanks" He simply laughed off which made my head boil, I thanked him, which is very hard for me to say...
And he'd just laughed it off?!

I was boiling red as a tomato because of my frustration, so I turned around and began to walk away

He stoped laughing, then I began to sprint, and then I was now running towards the hardware store, I never looked back...

"You're Welcome"

I stoped because of that voice I heard.
Wha-What? No, nevermind... I'm just probably hearing things again.

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