Chapter 2

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Hope you guys are liking the story!

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns all this stuff... yea.


I dash to the Aphrodite cabin, in hopes that Piper will tell me why Jason hates me all of the sudden. A thousand thoughts flash through my mind. Was it something I said? I was so confused.

I reach the Aphrodite cabin and bang on the door. Unfortunately for me Drew, the meanest girl in camp, answers the door.

She looks me up and down with pure disgust.

"What do you want?" she snarled.

"I have to talk to Piper! Please!" I begged.

"Oh so you're the loser Piper hangs around with? Ha! You have no chance with her, ya know. As unattractive as she is, she's still way out of your league!" she taunted.

"JUST LET ME TALK TO HER!" I screamed.

"Whoa, take a chill pill. Fine, whatever...Piper!! Your scrawny loser friend is here to see you!"

Piper comes to the door with a disappointed look on her face.

"Leo... please go." Piper said.

"What did I do?!?"

"You know, Leo!" Piper argued.

"No I don't! I have no idea why you and Jason are so mad at me!" I seethed.

"You apparently told Reyna that Jason hated her and wanted her to die. She... she killed herself this morning. And on top of that, New Rome is falling apart because they don't have a praetor."

"What! But I didn't say that!" I yelled.

"What am I supposed to believe, Leo? There were witnesses." she replied.

"I'm your best friend, Piper. You should trust me." I said.

"I'm sorry, Leo. Look, you'd better go. Everyone's gonna know soon."

And then I ran. Through the woods, out of the border and into the dangerous unknown.


We'll hoped you liked it! Sorry I didn't add another part sooner, I wasn't sure if it was worth it because not many people were reading it. But now that I have a few reads, I'll start posting more often. Please comment and vote!!


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