Chapter 4

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Hey guys! ok so tbh for a while I wasn't really feeling the story and I didn't really know where to take it but now I've got everything figured out and I'm ready to write!! Please comment, vote, follow, and most importantly, enjoy!

Disclaimer: this is all ricks...


About twenty hours of driving later...

"Ok bro, here you are! LA, baby! Apollo said.

I looked out the window. It was indeed Los Angeles. Tall buildings glittered in the morning sun near the stop sign where we'd parked.

"That'll be fifty drachmas yo," he continued.

I panicked. Did I really forget drachmas!

"Uhh," I stuttered, looking down at my shorts to see if I had any pockets where I possibly could've stored any extra drachmas. Then I noticed I had on my magical tool belt.

"Give me a sack of fifty drachmas," I ordered as I reached my hand in my belt to see if it had responded.

Surprisingly, it did. I looked in my hand to see a pack of what looked to be fifty golden drachmas. I put the bag in Apollo's outstretched hand with satisfaction.

"Huh. Nifty little gadget you got there," he replied as I stepped out of the cab.

"Thanks for the ride, Lord Apollo."

"No problem, kid," he replied.

Then his face turned sour and glared up at the sky.

"Just doing my job!" he said sarcastically. "Oh wait! I just remembered! This isn't my job! My job is up on Mt. Olympus!"

From the sky came a loud boom of thunder.

Apollo rolled his eyes, or at least I think he did. I couldn't really tell from under his ray bans. He turned back to me.

"Ok kid, take care," he said as he buckled his seat belt and drove away.

I watched as the cab drove away at the speed of light. I sighed. What had I gotten myself into?

I turned and walked down the crowded sidewalk, filled with people in a hurry, people who knew exactly where they were going. I wish I had that certainty.

As I walked, I immediately felt vulnerable, like I was going to be threatened at any moment. Then I remembered. The underworld was in Los Angeles.

I kept walking, trying to forget what I had just discovered, by taking in the sights and sounds of everything. Then I realized I had no idea how long is been walking until my stomach grumbled. I must've been waking for hours.

I stopped at a McDonalds and willed my tool belt to spit out some American cash. Reluctantly, it did.

I looked up at the cashier. The first thing that struck me about her was that she was giant. She was seriously tall with beefy arms and legs. She looked from at me and flashed a toothy grin.

"How can I help you?" she said.

"Uhh," I muttered, still shaken up about her enormous size, "I'll have a number 2 with a side of fries."

"Sure thing," she replied. "and I'll have a demigod with a side of scrawny."

"Umm, excuse me?" I said. Did she just say demigod? Then it hit me. She was a monster!

She grabbed me by the collar and dragged me over the counter, into the kitchen.

"I like my demigods fried," she cackled, "I think you'll taste good golden brown."

I stared from her to the giant fryer in shock.

As she began to heat up the fryer, I slipped my hand into my tool belt.

"Give me a three pound hammer," I whispered so she couldn't hear me.

Luckily, the belt responded. I fingered the hammer and waited for the right moment to strike.

As the kitchen was getting hotter and hotter due to the giant fryer heating up, the mist must've been wearing off because I noticed the cashier had only one eye. She was a Cyclopes.

I looked down at the hammer into my hand. My only hope was to slam her into the fryer. I only had one shot.

Then I noticed she was still holding onto my shirt. I could never get enough leverage to hit her hard enough while I was in the air.

Then I got an idea.

"Thank Zeus I'm scrawny," I muttered as I wriggled out of my shirt.

So as I stood in the kitchen half naked, I slammed my hammer into the back of her head.

Dazed, she turned around and looked at me in rage.

I took that moment to slam into the Cyclopes as hard as I could. She fell into the fryer, screaming ancient curses at me as I made my way out of the kitchen. I grabbed a burger and a handful of fries before I got out the door.

I ran out of McDonalds as fast as I could. I finally stopped sprinting when I got into an abandoned ally. I looked around, trying to get a feel for my surroundings, but I couldn't. It was to dark.

"I might as well hit the sack," I said to myself.

I gathered newspapers and trash bags that were lying around and used them as blanket. It was a bit chilly, especially since I had lost my shirt.

I curled into a ball on the ground and tried to fall asleep. But now that I had time to think, I couldn't take my mind off Reyna. What had happened? I didn't have anything to do with her suicide! But why did everyone think it was me that made Reyna die?

Then it hit me- Reyna died. I immediately felt guilty. I was so angry and confused about why I was blamed that I didn't even stop to think about the fact that Reyna died. She DIED. She's gone.

And she had deserved so much more in her life. She had done so much for the camps and had led Camp Jupiter. She was one if the main reasons for Gaea's defeat. And Reyna was beautiful. I remembered the way her hair fell over her shoulders as she helped lead the camps into battle. But she was different from Aphrodite girls. She wasn't a showoff-y kind of attractive. She simply radiated a strong, beautiful aura without trying...

"Stop it Leo! You love Calypso!" I thought.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about Reyna. About how much I actually like her.

But then I remembered. She was dead. And apparently, it was my fault.

Tears burned my eyes. I squeezed them tight and finally, finally fell into a deep sleep- which would hopefully be dream free.

But it wasn't.


Ok so REALLY long chapter. Hopefully it's workin for ya.

I have a bit of Leyna action in there. comment if you'd rather have Leyna or caleo.

Ok so thnx for reading! I'll try to update soon! don't forget to vote and follow!

-Bailey ✌️

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