Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- these are riordans characters.


I dreamt I was in the gods throne room on Mt. Olympus. I looked around and noticed all the gods were sitting up on their thrones, well, minus Apollo. They didn't seem to notice me, despite the fact I felt as of I was right in front of them.

"I have called this meeting to order due to the sudden death of Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona, praetor of the Twelfth Legion," Zeus declared.

Hearing Reyna's name made my heart pound of longing, but I told myself to ignore it and pay attention. Dreams usually tell demigods something important.

"As you know," Zeus continued, "she took her life due to the taunting of an undetermined Greek demigod."

"Figured after all she's been through, she'd be a little tougher than to kill herself just because some stupid demigod called her names," Ares spoke up.

The knot in my stomach tightened. That stupid demigod was me. Despite the fact I had no idea what I had done, I still felt guilty.

"Have some respect for the dead, Ares. She must've had her reasons," Hestia said.

"As I was saying," Zeus continued, glaring at Ares, "she plays an important role in the peace between the Greek and Roman camps. With her gone, the camps have already begun to fight. In conclusion, the demigods need her back."

Zeus stared at Hades, expecting him to speak up.

Hades cleared his throat. "I can't raise dead demigods from the ground with the snap of my fingers, you know. Life comes with a price."

Athena spoke up. "A quest, then," she confirmed.

Hades nodded.

Dionysius snorted. "Just send the amazing Perry Johnson," he said, sarcasm oozing out of his every word.

"It's Percy Jackson!" Poseidon said loudly, "and after all he's done for the sake of the camps, I say no. Besides, he is the patriarch of Camp Half Blood. He is needed while this war between the camps is going on."

"Very well," Zeus sighed. "Let us send my Roman form's son."

"Not Jason! Most definitely not Jason!" Aphrodite wailed dramatically from her throne. "C'mon! We all know Reyna has strong feelings for Jason! I don't want my sweet Piper's boyfriend to be tempted to fall into the clutches of that daughter of Baloney or whatever!"

Athena rolled her eyes.

Then a smile slowly spread across Aphrodite's beautiful face. "But I do know who to send," she crooned.

I froze as she looked straight at me. "Leo Valdez, son if Hephaestus. I'm sure he and Reyna will have quite the bonding time together," she said giddily.

"I approve," Hephaestus said. "he is capable."

"Very well. Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, one of the seven of the prophecy, will go on a quest to the underworld to bring back Reyna to the Ronan camp."

Then it all went black.

I woke up, breathing heavily. I was going in a quest to save Reyna.

Suddenly I felt strong. I had a purpose. I was going to see Reyna again.

I stood up, still shirtless, and ran onto the crowded streets, eager with excitement and nervousness to begin the quest to the underworld.


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