Chapter 10

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Reyna POV

At last. I was in Elysium. Elysium is a hard place to explain, but let's just say it's peaceful. Peaceful and... free. Free from the war and Octavian and... Jason.

I still didn't understand. What did I ever do to Jason? And even if Jason hated me, he's not the type to go gossiping to others- even Leo. But maybe I didn't know Jason anymore.

I looked around at the smiling people, children and adults alike. It's nice but... not perfect, I thought to myself. The way everyone talked about Elysium, you'd think that you have absolutely no worries or doubts.

But I did. A lot. I couldn't help thinking about Camp Jupiter and the mess it must be in without me. I couldn't help wondering whether hanging myself was a good decision or not. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I couldn't help worrying about Leo, all alone out there in the Fields of Asphodel.

Bang! The large door to Elysium slammed shut. I turned around and looked to see who the new comer was.

Leo. How did he get in?!

I marched up to him. "Leo!" I said. "How...?"

He looked up at me. "There's nothing this super sized mcshizzle can't do," he said smirking.

I tried very hard not to smile. "Ok but just stay away from me," I said, walking away.

"That's the thing," he replied, following me, "you have to come with me."


"Because you still have work to do at camp. Look, let me guess- you don't feel entirely happy here, do you?" He continued.

How did he know?

"I... what's your point?" I snapped.

"My point is, you never feel entirely happy in Elysium if your not meant to be there just yet. That's why you need to come back."

"What if I don't want to come back?"

"Look it's for the best. And you deserved so much more in life. I mean, you don't have to be praetor forever. Haven't you ever pictured a life for yourself in New Rome? With children? A husband? ," he went on.

Tears welded up in my eyes. He had reached my emotional weakness.

I looked straight at him, emotion swelling inside me. "I pictured a life with Jason," I said shakily and turned away.

"Reyna, wait," Leo pleaded as he grabbed my arm to keep me from going.

"Jason didn't actually say that. And I didn't taunt you. Please just trust me. We can work everything out when we get back. But please, please trust me," Leo said.

I remember when Jason said that to me. And look at me now. I can't trust anyone, much less Jason.

But then I looked into Leo's eyes. His big, chocolate brown eyes. And suddenly, I believed him. He had a different look than Jason, a look of total passion and certainty.

Then another thought flashed into my mind. Did Leo like me? I willed my cheeks not to blush.

"Ok. I'll go with you. But don't try an make a move on me," I said.

He smiled. "We'll see about that."


Hope it good so far! please comment suggestions and VOTE!

Bye bye babes!!


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