Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: all of these characters belong to rock riordan.

Piper POV

I woke up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I sighed happily. For the first time in a long time, I'd slept through the whole night without a single dream.

Then I remembered. Leo's gone. I was still confused about that. I was angry at Leo for what he did to Reyna and Jason, but at the same time he was my friend. And I don't want anything bad to happen to him, no matter what he's done.

And another thing bothered me. He sounded so sure it wasn't him. And Leo isn't a liar. He may keep somethings to himself, but he doesn't outright lie. But there were witnesses! Ugh. I didn't understand.

I got out of bed and walked into the closet to change. I threw on a Camp Half Blood T-shirt and shorts.

I run a brush through my hair as I ran out the door to Jason's cabin. He was closing the door to his cabin as I reached him.

"Do you know if Leo's back?!" I blurted.

Then I remembered. Jason will still mad at Leo. Like really mad.

Jason scowled. "I hope not. And why do you care?"

I immediately felt defensive. Leo was our friend! And Jason doesn't care at all?

"He's my best friend! He's been there for me when I had no one else! And no matter what he's done I still want the best for him!" I said.

"That's no excuse for what he's done! He deserves to be in the depths of Tartarus for what he said about me!" Jason yelled.

I gasped. Did he hear how he sounded? Right then I felt so much gratitude to Leo and nothing for Jason. And in that moment I truly believed Leo was telling the truth. And I felt the duty to stand up for him.

"That's not true! He's a good person! And at least he was real at Wilderness School and not just an illusion!" I seethed.

Now it was Jason's turn to gasp.

"Piper, I... I... you know what, just go," Jason muttered.

"Gladly," I said, still warm with anger. "And by the way, I believe Leo. That he didn't do it."

I ran down to the lake. I sat on the edge of the dock, breathing heavily. I just wanted Leo to be okay. I never really realized how important of a friend he was to me.

A tear fell down my cheek. I was so confused. And I missed Repair Boy.


So what do ya think? Please comment what you think! I enjoy feed back!! Btw I try to update in about a weeks time.


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