Chapter 6

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Andy's POV

I had extra time to kill before the show, and I promised Serena that I would pick her up after school. I knew she got out at about 3, so I stood against my car on my phone, excited to see her beautiful face. What I didn't expect though, was to see her running out in tears.

"Serena?" I asked, jumping in front of her. She looked up at me with watery eyes, brightened for a second, but she just crumpled into my arms, with more tears falling. I snapped myself out of my shock and held her close. We had hugged before, but this was different. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, as she tucked her head into my chest. I had never felt so protective over anything, and the only thing I could think about was finding the bastards that did this to her, and kicking their ass. I let her cry, stroking her head every so often, and whispering sweet, soothing nothings into her ear.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled eventually, not lifting her head.

"You don't have to apologize," I laughed softly, not releasing my grip on her. I kissed the top of her head. "Can I ask what happened?"

"I hate this," she said, so low that I had to bend my head a little more to hear her properly.

"I hate this place...the people. They're so...horrid and cruel and I'm just so alone..."

I felt her body shudder as she cried some more. I took her face in my hands, and made her look straight into my eyes, planting a long soft kiss on her forehead.

"You're not alone." I shook my head. "Not anymore."

I hoisted her up into my arms and just cradled her, letting her think.

Then, ever so quietly that I thought I could've imagined it, she whispered a 'thank you.' 

I squeezed her tighter as I let her get her emotions out.

"It'll be okay," I whispered.


We went on a short walk around the block so she could get her mind off things for a while, but when we got back to my car, we saw a bunch of guys crowding around my car and leaning against it, laughing and joking to each other. When they saw us, they backed away from it, giving me weird looks

. One was holding a bucket or something, then quickly walking away with the rest of the guys.

"That was weird," I said when they were finally gone.

"Yeah," she agreed. I opened her door for her and we both got in.

"Do you wanna go to the movies?" I asked as soon as we were both in.

"Sure, sounds nice," she smiled. I kissed her cheek, and started the car up. I got onto the freeway, but then realized that my gas was low. Really low. That was odd, considering I got it up to a full tank before I picked her up. Serena also noticed, looking up at me.

"Let's take a short cut," I suggested. We really needed to get to a gas station, quick. She nodded as I pulled onto a small dirt road off to the side. I knew this trail so well, because I've been on it lots of times a few years ago when we were off on vacation in this area. Serena looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Don't worry, I've been on this road plenty of times," I assured her. My car suddenly started slowing down.

"Oh no..." I sighed. My car came to a complete stop, no matter how many times I hit the gas.

 Serena and I got out, and I examined the car.

"We need to call a tow truck or something," she said, looking up at me. I nodded, pulling out my cell phone, and dialing the number. Suddenly, all I heard was a beeping sound through my phone. Looking at the screen, I saw that it said "no signal."

"Great. Just great," I sighed, leaning against the car. She tried her phone, but there was no signal as well. I looked around, and all I could see were tall trees, weeds everywhere, and a dusty dirt trail going around a bend. This place was completely deserted. Suddenly, I thought of all of those guys that were standing around the car, and that guy holding the bucket. Curiously, I got down onto my back and pushed myself under the car to see what the problem was. Then I spotted a hole in the gas tank. Those douches must have stolen the gas and filled the bucket up with it. How messed up.

I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream [Andy Six Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now