A challenge? Why not?! (EDITTED)

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Yay, I was tagged to do a challenge! I am so excited to get my butt tortured and sharing my secrets is so much fun to do when you're just back from a break.

Too much sarcasm?

Ok, for those who can't see the photo:


1. You cannot refuse. (Oh, poop! I call poop on that one! And one of the people who tagged me said I can refuse.)

2. If you break a rule, you have to post a video of yourself singing on Wattpad as a punishment. (Now that's just cruel.)

3. You have to do it in one week or less. (Great, more stress in life. Hooray?)

4. You must say 13 things about yourself. (Oh, it's one of these challenges huh? At least it's not as many as that 20 facts about yourself challenge.)

5. You have to tag 15 people. (How am I supposed to find 15 people if most of the people I know already did it?!)

6. No doing this in the comments! Sidenote: But tag me so I know you did it. (I think that's not needed anymore, I guess.)

7. The chapter must have a creative title! (Oh no, my title isn't creative enough? I don't care.)

So, let's just get this over with.

1. I was actually going to post a video of me singing, because I'd rather sing than do this. But because of my lack of knowledge with Wattpad's mechanics, I guess I'm writing instead.

2. I took a personality test at 16personalities, and I got ISFJ-T (Defender). I read through it and it fits me so well! Very social, yet an introvert, and is very caring.

3. My favorite starter Pokemon is Snivy. I love how regal it's final evolution looks and how cute and scary it is at the same time. And I love the color green. And it's my favorite snake Pokemon. And along with Tepig, Mudkip, and Rowlet, the memes just make it even more cooler. Smugleaf for the win.

4. I play Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, and honestly, they have been taking over my life for a year now. I never paid any in-app purchases though, I just play a lot. My town hall is still at level 7, but I am at Arena 8.

5. I think my problem with writing is that I plan more than I actually write. And also the fact that I can't for the life of me make an effort to write as I hope. I actually write worse than I expect myself to, and it worries me.

6. I just entered the K-Pop fandom, and I have no way out.

7. I am one year away towards college.

8. I am part of the percentage of people who is so angry at how the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's keeps twisting the lore and story of the franchise.

9. I haven't finished playing through the Sinnoh region and the Unova region yet, and I'm so disappointed in myself.

10. I am running out of things to say about myself. I've been awake since quarter to three, and it's 5:15 in the morning?

12. My favorite singers are Sia and Melanie Martinez.

11. I can sing in Soprano and Bass, but when I keep switching it hurts my throat. That's why I stick to singing in a girl's voice. I did also mention that I can also dance, right? I also know how to play the guitar and piano.

13. I just switched 11 and 12.

And that's a wrap. Now, to tag people... But who shall I tag? I have no one to tag, I think. Oh well.

Vespin NFKimmy Scarlet_Regnar abbert21 Sheare Risa-White DachshundPiano Demoniscy endxeve ForeverMoonlight luminescencexx Shaymin- AnimeOtaku9998

Sorry, I just have no friends to tag. I'm so lonely. And I just don't want to break any rules. Well, bye.

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