My Secret Santa Oneshot

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So, I applied for the Secret Santa event for the GottaReadEmAllClub .

By the way, if you haven't, do check it out. The club is a group of people with really great critics and nice people who give our best to writing quality reviews and other known services. It would be a really big help. #NotSponsored

I attended the original one, with RiverIvy being the host, and it was a blast. To my pair, here it is. I thought I was going to pass this late, but inspiration suddenly came. For once! I was supposed to post this as a seperate book, but laziness happened. Hehe.



It was time for the final exam. The class' excitement could be heard for Logi knew that after this test, there will be no more school. Winter break will finally start. Finally, she will have time to finish writing that book she was working on, and she could keep spamming comments and votes on her friends' books.

The test papers just came in. The teacher who was giving the test ordered everyone to be quiet and prepare their calculators as he was about to give the sheets of paper. Logi brought out her stuff and the teacher started giving out their papers one by one. As she grabbed her paper, she rolled her eyes at the sight of the examination's content. There were figures, cartesian planes, and a whole lot of polynomials.

Of course, the last subject had to be Calculus, she thought. Without any hesitation though, she plunged into her test and started answering the problems. No figurative algebra is going to stop her.

Finally, finals was finished. She quickly packed her things and was about to run outside when she suddenly bumped into someone. She looked to the person and saw it was just Emerald, one of the students in her school.

"Oops! Hi, Logi," greeted Emerald with a smile like nothing happened.

"Hi!" Logi replied. "Next time, watch where you're going, ok? You're wearing glasses and you still can't walk straight."

"Sorry," apologized Emerald. "So, how was your exams?"

Logi answered, "It was cool, I guess. Calculus was hard as ever, but I think I managed to do fine. How about you?"

"Oh. Calculus was so easy," said Emerald. Logi just rolled her eyes at the ignorant one and was about to comment on that when someone came to Emerald's side.

"Hey guys." It was Green from the seniors. Green attempted to hold Emerald's hand but Emerald avoided his hand. "What's up?"

"Hi, Green! I was just about to invite Logi to our Christmas party," replied Emerald, to which Logi answered.

"What? You never said anything about a party." Logi said questioningly.

"Yup. We're having a Christmas party at my house, and every student in our school is invited! You should come, Logi! It'll be fun. I'm hiring a pool, chocolate fountain, and all that stuff. There'll be Spin the Bottle, card games, and so much more!" Emerald stated, to which Logi shakes her head in disbelief.

"You serious? That's one big party," replied Logi. Green just laughed and then forced his hand on Emerald's.

"Yup, it will be fun. Come on, Emerald. Let's go home, baby," said Green. He was about to go for a peck but Emerald shook his head.

"Green! Don't call me that in school, remember? Well, see you then, Logi!" Emerald then walked away, leaving Green behind.

Green then started to chase Emerald. "Oh, well. Smell you later," he said. Logi was shocked with what she heard. Are Green and Emerald, more than friends? She just brushed off the thought and taught that they might just be really close friends.

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