My Graduation Message

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VALEDICTION - derived from the Latin phrase "vale dicere", meaning "to say farewell." (as given this June 16, 2018 by yours truly)

To our fatherly and loving university president,, sir. To our ever-supportive and energetic campus administrator, sir. To our very active and efficient Student Affairs and Services director, ma'am. To our dynamic and young school principal, sir. Respective deans from the different colleges of this university, and to the OIC Dean of the CIT. To the faculty of the senior high school department, beloved parents, teachers, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning to one and all.

At this moment, you may be wondering: why am I standing in front of you today? Why me? Why, dear listeners, I am but just a student. A student who studied and worked hard, with the sole purpose of learning. Isn't that a part of what being a student is all about? As it says in the dictionary, a student is a person formally engaged in learning. So, if I am just a student, then why me out of the many students who are here today? I guess one of the reasons is pretty obvious. It's because I achieved the title of being the valedictorian. Is it not a fact? There's no use denying it. So, if I am what I say I am, what kind of dialogue should come from me? Well, I hope you are curious to find out. I just need you to listen. Some people say that speeches are the most boring part of a program. But I thought speeches are supposed to be one of the important parts? Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address put him on the map for president. Without this speech he may never have been the icon he is today. Hitler's many speeches were delivered with extreme passion and caused arguably one of the most horrific genocides of all time. So, speeches. Is it not that important to you that you are already thinking of going home today, or that you want to skip it? I also know that you are all hungry and waiting for this to end. The last thing I want is for you to get bored and starve. Before you snooze or turn your attention away, please just hear me out for just a while. You never know, you might actually learn something.

There is no denying that today is a very special day. I know everyone who is gathered here would agree so, I am sure of it. For these past few days, we have been anticipating for this day. We have waited long, dear students and respective families who are with us today. For all the students along with their family members who are here today, let us praise the Lord because graduation is finally here. As I have heard from many people, think positive, be positive. The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy, according to Domenico Dolce.

Being one of the first achievers as a senior high school student is rewarding. Two additional years of our high school life might have been added, but we should be grateful they did so. A premier university in a global community, that is our vision. And to achieve that, the K-12 curriculum being added was a good decision. Like it says in today's theme, "NVSU Strengthens Global Commitment." A lot of people have already acknowledged the benefits of changing the standards for Philippine education. For instance, Isagani Cruz on one of his columns in a local newspaper states that some benefits of the K-12 curriculum include sufficient instructional time, more skilled and competent labor force, and recognition as professionals abroad. With adaptation to the K-12 scheme, students are expected to graduate at an age a bit older than past graduates. This is an advantage, according to DepEd, as graduates will be considered young adults. Isn't that fine to hear, being called a young adult? I believe one of these could be traced back to when I was just starting out as a senior high school student. During my grade 11 days, the faculty and staff would often keep repeating that us senior high school students are to be treated as college students. Another one was the activities that were provided from subjects that were more advanced and complicated. Our subject teachers have given us students a taste of what college students have to worry about. From multiple assignments and quizzes to portfolios and research papers. Do you remember when you stayed up all night doing your homework? Trying to finish your individual work hours before the deadline, and I know some students prefer doing their homework on school instead of at home. The rush you feel doing it with your classmates is actually fun, and a quirk that comes with it is you get to share and base your answers with others. I don't necessarily encourage this, though, but at least it's not copying it, correct? That would be cheating. For me, individual outputs are no sweat because the person you can only blame and help is yourself. You are also sure that you are indeed learning because you are doing the work yourself. I prefer these things than working in a group. Ah, the struggles of working in a group. Sure, the workload would be distributed and everyone in your team would have their parts, but there are times when your group mates would be abusive of your patience. Or is it just me? Group works such as group presentations, group performances, and I'm sure all of us have experienced making their thesis. As a student, you also have to learn how to work with others. And the most important lesson I learned with that was patience. Patience with time, patience with work, and most especially is patience with your group members.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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