Chapter 4

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I want to thank my dear friend WeirdieMe for helping with this chapter. Thanks so much!!!

Joesy POV
I wake up all I see is white ceiling. Sitting up in the bed, I look down at my arm wrapped from my knuckles to my elbow in white gauze. I stretch my arm out and wince in pain. "Be careful Ms Lupin. Don't want to damage it even further." Madam Pomfrey says, coming out of her office with a cup full of some liquid.

I sniff it and look up at her. "Healing potion?" I ask. She nods and starts to walk away. "There's things from your admires at the foot of the bed." She explains before leaving the room.

I look towards the foot of my bed and I gasp. Candy, cards and a green and silver wrapped present. Opening some cards, I see some from fellow Gryffindors, a few from staff, and one from Dad. Uh oh.

I leave that for later and move to the box. The tag said from a Slytherin. I kind of figured that because of the paper. Hesitantly, I rip of the paper and open the box that was inside. On top there's a note so I read that quickly.

I wanted to thank you for jumping in front of that bloody chicken in Care of Magical Creatures yesterday. So in return, I got you a little something.
~Draco Lucius Malfoy

Something from Draco? Weird. I dig in the box and see a beautiful black hoodie with skinny sleeves. I wave my hand over the box and paper, making it disappear.

Picking up my wand, I point it towards the door. "Accio Handbag." I say. I lay my wand back down and my bag comes soaring in.

I stand up and put all the candy, cards and the hoodie from Draco in there before grabbing the outfit I keep in there and marching toward the bathroom. I strip off my old clothes and quickly shower before grabbing the new set of clothes and putting them on. I gently pull the shirt on, in fear of hurting my arm.

After putting on my shoes, I look in the mirror see my hair is a lavender color

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After putting on my shoes, I look in the mirror see my hair is a lavender color. I try to make my hair change color but it refuses to let me. Digging through my handbag, I grab the book Hermione hand gotten me on metamorphagus powers. Skimming through the index for moods I turn to the right page.

Metamorphagus hair color will remain a lavender if the person is in either pain or the body is in pain.

Great. So until my body is no longer in pain, my hair is going to stay lavender. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom to see Neville and Rigel sitting in chairs by my designated bed. "Hey guys!" I say.

Both boys look up and smile. Neville's is a natural, Rigel's is more forced. I look into his eyes and his say that we'll talk later. I nod and turn back to Neville. He kisses my cheek and wraps me in a hug. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

I shrug. "Alright I guess. What class work did I miss?" I ask. Rigel laughs. "Always about school work aren't you?" Rigel says. I blush. "Not always." I murmur.

The boys laugh and pull me out of the hospital wing. "Come on! It's time for the first DADA class." Rigel says excitedly. I laugh and lead the way to dads classroom.

Standing before us is a shaking wardrobe. "Intriguing isn't it. Anyone like to guess of what's inside?" Dad asks. "That's a boggart that is." Dean says. "Very good Mr Thomas. Can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Dad asks the class.

"No one knows." Hermione says, appearing out of no where. "When she get here?" Ron asks, alarmed at Hermione's sudden appearance. "Boggart's are shape shifters. They take the shape of what ever particular person fears the most, that's what makes them so-" Hermione starts.

"So terrifying, yes." Dad had us practice a spell and then asks for a volunteer. "Neville! Come on up here. Come on now, don't be shy." Neville looks at me alarmed so I push him forward. "Hello." Dad whispers.

"What frightens you most?" Dad asks Neville gently. "Professorsnape" Neville says rushes. "What?" Dad asks. "Professor Snape." Neville says with more confidence. The class laughs. "He frightens all. I believe you live with your grandmother yes?" Dad asks.

"Y-Yes but I don't want the boggart to turn into her either." Neville says, frightened. "No. It won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes very clearly in your mind." Dad tells Neville gently. "She c-carries a red handbag." Neville says.

Dad shakes his head. "We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do." Dad says. He moves over in front of Neville and whispers in his ear. "Picture Professor Snape in your grandmothers clothes." Dad says before moving out of the way. Dad unlocks the wardrobe with his wand and Neville gets out his wand. Professor Snape come strutting out.

"Wand at the ready Neville." Dad says. "Riddikulus!" Neville cries. Suddenly, Snape is wearing Augusta's dark green skirt and jacket, accompanied by her red handbag and sun hat with the bird on it.

Everyone laughs and dad has the class get into a line with Neville in the back. Ron's boggart is a giant spider. No surprise there. Parvati goes next and hers is a giant snake. She turns it into a jack in the box and then it's my turn.

I hesitantly stand in front of the jack in the box and wait for my boggart to show up. I sneak a glance at dad and he looks intrigued.

Suddenly the boggart starts spinning and then Dad, Neville and Rigel are revealed. I hear them saying horrible things to me and I gasp in fear.

"I never should have gotten you from the orphanage. I hate you so much! You're a brat!"

"How could I love someone like you?"

"I'm gonna make Uncle Remus hate you and send you back to France!"

By now I have tears going down my face. I drop my wand and rush out of the room, away from the horrible voices.

Neville's POV
Joesy runs out of the room, her emotions everywhere causing wind and hail to form around her. Her hair goes grey and I look up to Professor Lupin and he simply nods his head. I pull Rigel with me and we go out in search of Joesy.

We find her curled up outside the castle. Her sobs could be heard from a mile away. "Joesy? Baby are you okay?" I ask softly. She removes her head from between her legs and looks up at us.

"N-Neville, R-Rigel." She says, holding out her arms. Rigel and I walk forward and she throws her arms around us. We both kiss her head as she cries more. "It's okay baby. We got you." I say at the same time the Rigel says, "It's okay sis. I'm here."

She lets go of us and crawls on my lap with her feet on Rigel's lap. "That w-was so s-scary. I r-really t-thought it w-was r-real." Joesy says, digging her face in my shirt. I run my hand through her now white hair meaning she's scared. Joesy holds out a hand for Rigel and he grabs ahold of it. "Don't worry sis. We'll always be here." Rigel says softly.

Hey my loves. I realize it's shorter than normal but with the holidays I haven't had a lot of time to really sit down and write a bunch. I hope it's still good. Love you all!!!

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