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(Jungkook POV)

As we walked inside Jimin hyung's ward,I saw hyung,Jennie noona,Jisoo noona,Sojung noona and Haeun too.Haeun turned around and gasped."Sejeong!!",she hugged her and Sejeong hugged her back."Haeun...Oww I miss you so much.What are you doing here?Do you know Jungkook's friend too?",she asked.Haeun looked at me and nodded."I'm Jimin's girlfriend.And I can see that Jungkook must be your boyfriend.",she said.Sejeong's eyes widen."Do you know him?",Sejeong asked.Haeun nodded again."Haeun was my best friend.",I said.Sejeong smiled."Really?Whoa,how small this world.Actually,Haeun is my cousin.",she said.I was shocked.First,I had crush on Jisoo noona,then Haeun had crush on me and now I'm dating both of them's cousin,Sejeong.What a related love story.lol."Nice to meet you again,Jungkook.",Haeun said.I just nodded."You not mad anymore to me?",I asked.She shooks her head.Jisoo noona too.I smiled."Thank you.",I said.

(Jimin POV)

I was happy as all my friends are here.Especially,Haeun.I'm glad Jungkook is dating Sejeong.But,what will happen if I die?Who will take care and love Haeun as much as I do?"Hey,are you okay?",Haeun asked.I just put on a fake smile and nodded."It's time for you to eat.Let me feed you.",she said."Where's the rest?",I asked.She scoffed."You were daydreaming or what?They went to the cafetaria to eat.",she said."Why you didn't eat with them?",I asked."Because I'm full when I see you eating your food.",she said;smiling.As I was about to reach my plate,she took it and asked me to open my mouth."Haeun-ah,I can feed myself.I don't hurt my hands.",I said.She shooks her head."Nope.I want to feed you.",she said.I smiled and opened my mouth.She took a sooonful of food and shoved into my mouth.I chewed it and took another spoonful of food and bring it in front of her mouth."What?This is your food,not mine.So you must eat it.",she said."But I want to share my food with my baby.",I said.She rolled her eyes and eat it.We share our food.

The doctor said I was discharged today.Haeun and Taehyung helped me to pack my clothes and walked me to the car.As we reach Haeun's house.She was fell asleep.I don't want to wake her up,so I carried her in bridal style.As I walking upstairs,she's awake."Huh Jimin oppa?What are you doing?",she asked;rubbing her sleepy eyes."I don't want you to wake up so I carried you to your room.",I said.As I put her on her bed,I caress her cheeks.I stared at her sleeping face.She's beautiful.I stood up and want to left but she grabbed my wrist."Stay with me.",she said in a sleepy tone.I laid next to her and she buried her face on my chest.I put my arms around her waist and she hugged me back.I hope we can stay like this forever.

Next morning....I woke up and saw still sleeping Haeun in my arms.I slowly and carefully let go of her from mine and went to the bathroom.I washed my face and went downstairs.I went to the kitchen and saw Seokjin hyung,Jisoo noona and Jennie noona.I bowed down."Good morning,hyung,noona...",I said.They smirked.I gave them why-are-you-staring-at-me-like-that face."You guys too sweet...I envy Haeun.",Jennie noona said.I blushed."Anyway,do you want me to help you preparing the breakfast for all of us?",I asked."Yeah...but not for us...for Haeun.",Jisoo noona said."Bedroom Breakfast?",I guessed.They nodded.Seokjin hyung passed me a tray with a plate of fried egg,bacon,toast and kimchi and also a glass of strawberry milk.I brought it to Haeun's room but Haeun was not here.I put it down on the table and then I heard someone singing inside the bathroom.Heh,maybe she's showering while singing...So,I wait for her while playing my phone.I play Piano Tiles until I heard the doorknob twist sound.I looked up and saw half-naked Haeun with only towel.Damn...she looks freaking hot with milky skin colour.better than Yoongi hyung."Jimin oppa?",she innocently asked.I smirked."Whoa..you make me full by seeing you in this state.",I teased her.She looked at her body and immediately cover herself with pillow."Y-yah byuntae!Get out of here!!!",she yelled.I chuckled and walked closer to her.She stepped backwards until her back hits the cold wall.She shuts her eyes as I lean closer towards her.I kissed her forehead and chuckled.She opens her eyes and pouted."Now get out.Let me change first.",she said with red cheeks.I pinched her cheeks."Actually I don't care if you don't change.I like it.",I said before leaving her room.But,I can hear she shouted."Jiminie byuntae."

"What's happened just now?I heard Haeun shouting and screaming.Are you doing inappropriate things to her?",Seokjin hyung asked me.I choked my own saliva."What the heck hyung.Of course not!",I said.He squinting his eyes."Let's go Jimin oppa.",Haeun said.I turned around and saw fully clothes Haeun.She just wearing long sleeves black shirt with white stripes and long leggings but it's beautiful to her.We bid a goodbye to Seokjin hyung,Jisoo noona and Jennie noona.

Under The Sky•Jimin•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon