Well... I'm on YouTube now

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(y/n) POV

   I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on my phone the next day when Jack walked into my room.

   "Hey,... so I noticed all you have with you is that backpack, and you'll need to buy your uniform anyway, so I was thinking that you might want to go shopping today." 

   "Sure," I said. Personally, I didn't really like shopping for clothes (which I find kind of ironic considering I was born on Black Friday), but I can't wear the same clothes every day.

This Time Skip was brought to you by the awesomeness of Lin-Manuel Miranda

   When we got to the store, Jack just let me go off and find what I needed. I could tell he was feeling awkward about the whole "taking a teenage girl shopping" thing, but I didn't blame him. (It's also going to be great material for teasing him later hehehehehe.) Ob helped me pick out the clothes (except for the uniform... obviously) and Jack and I went on our way. 

   "Hey, I have a lot of recording to do today. Are you going to be okay on your own?" Jack asked on the way. It was weird having to walk everywhere, since Jack didn't have a car, but I guess I needed the exercise.

   "Yeah, I spent most of my time tuck away in room watching YouTube anyway. I'll keep it down." 

   "Thanks. I was wondering something else..."


    "Would you mind if I made a vlog about how you're living with when we get to the apartment. I won't if you don't want to, it's just-"

   "It's fine, Jack. I don't mind at all," I interrupted. That was the one thing I didn't like about him. He spends way to much trying to explain himself. 


   We walked in silence the rest of the way. We got home and went into my room to record the vlog.

   I lied down on my bed and Jack turned on the the camera. 

   "Wapoosh. Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and I have a very special announcement. And that would be this!" He pointed the camera at me. "(y/n), say to everyone."

   "Hey!" I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. Jack gave me a thumbs-up, and turned the camera back to him.

   "So you're probably thinking, "Jack, why is their a teenage girl in your apartment?" and the answer to that is simple. (y/n) is my distant cousin, and a couple days ago she lost her parents in a fire, and now she's living with me. This isn't going to affect the upload schedule in any way. It will still be two videos day at 5 and 8 everyday. I just figured you guys would want to know. (y/n) anything you want to say before we roll out?"

   "Alex, you own me 5 bucks." Alex and I made a bet a year ago that neither of us you meet a Youtuber, and if we did we'd give the other 5 dollars. 

   "Okay, then. Alex, get on that. And thank you guys so much for watching! And if you liked it, punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all around! Wapoosh! Wapoosh! And I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO! Bye!" Jack turned off the camera.

   "I'm going to go upload this, and start recording. Ya sure you'll  be fine on your own?"

   "I'm fine," I said. Jack nodded and left the room. I grabbed my phone and watched Jack play Happy Wheels (because why not)?

(A/N: Happy Holidays everyone!) 

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