Lesser of Two Evils

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(y/n)'s POV

   A loud shriek jolted me awake. I was still tied to the chair, but there were also coils from the machine wrapped around my legs and torso. I attempted to reach out to Ob, but she wasn't there.

   "My apologies for waking you," Dark said. He was messing with different knobs and switches on the machine. My fear and confusion quickly turned to anger.

   "What have you done with Ob?!" I cried. Without her there, it felt like a part of my soul had been ripped out of my body.

   "Don't worry about her, (y/n)," Dark replied, "She is nice and safe in here." He gestured to the machine.

   "What are you talking about?" I asked. 

   "It was never really you I was after. You were simply a vessel for the real prize. Obsidian. You two have no idea how powerful she truly is."

   "Power? But kind of power could-" I began, but Darkiplier focused his red eyes on my (e/c) ones.

   "Be quiet," he said, his eyes still fixed on mine. My mouth involuntarily shut. I couldn't even move my body to make a sound. Darkiplier smirked as fear coarsed through my veins. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Obsidian has an ability very rare in our kind."

   "You see, typically to use our power, demons have to not only be in control of the body, but also focus their power on a specific object that we want affected. It is possible for a demon to be able to break one of these rules, either by innate ability or enhanced skill, but to be able to break both is simply unheard of. When I heard rumors of one who could do just that, I saw an opportunity. With the help of a colleague of mine, I was able to construct this machine you see in front of you. It has the ability to separate a demon from its host. When it was completed, all I had to do was find a way to get you to me. It must have been my lucky day when your parents went up in flames. You were sent to live with Jack, and Antisepticeye was able to deliver you straight to me. He has been... under my colleague's influence for quite some time. Now all I have to do is wait for Obsidian to be completely extracted. Then I can take her to my colleague, and he can strip her of her power. I was planning to wait until Halloween, when we are strongest, but as I said before, I've been forced to move my time table up a touch." He finally averted his gaze and turned towards the machine.

   "What's the point of telling me this?" I asked, not realizing that I had been holding my breath the entire time.

   "I needed to distract you until the machine was done," Darkiplier replied simply. He placed his hand on one of the levers. "You should be grateful that I was the one in charge of splitting you two. My colleague would have been made this more painful." He pulled down the lever.

   I had never felt such excruciating pain in my life. It was like every molecule in my body was being ripped into shreds, and then put back together to only get ripped apart again. I think it only lasted a few minutes, but a hundred years could have gone by and I wouldn't have noticed. All that I could feel and think about was the pain.

   After an eternity the pain finally receded. My vision had gone fuzzing from the ordeal. When it cleared Darkiplier was smirking down at me. A giant portal had formed behind him. Desperately trying to get out of grasp was a girl who looked exactly like me except for her (f/c) eyes. Darkiplier dragged Ob through the portal and it closed behind them.        

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