My Brilliant Rescue Plan (Said No One Ever)

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(y/n)'s POV

   "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," screamed Ob as we landed. I had to fight every urge in my body to not run towards her. In fact I would've if Anti hadn't been holding me back. 

   "We can't. Right now, we have the element of surprise. The last thing we want is for them to we're coming." I knew Anti was right. I didn't try to run, but my muscles would refuse to un-clench. We started sneaking down the hall in the direction of the scream.

   "Who is Dark's partner anyway," I asked.

   "He's not Dark's partner. He's Dark's boss," Anti explained, "His name is Antimatter. You would more likely know his host, Matpat, although Antimatter has been in control for months. He can make almost any machine imaginable. He created the machine that separated you and Ob."

   "What kind monster can control a guy who's power is to control minds?" I mumbled. It was a rhetorical question, but Anti answered anyway.

   "A very powerful and clever one," he whispered.

   We walked in silence until we reached the end of the hallway. Dark and Antimatter were standing over Ob, who was tied down to a chair and unconscious. Antimatter was extracting something out of Ob. I couldn't tell what is was, but it glowed brightly like a Patronus.

   "Alright, what's the plan," Anti asked.

   "You are going to distract Antimatter and Dark while I sneak around and get Ob. When I give the word, you'll teleport us out of here and back to Jack's," I explained.

   "That's a terrible plan," Anti whisper-shouted, "How am I suppose to distract them for that long?"

   "Piss them off," I said before heading into the shadows. I had a plan to keep Antimatter and Dark from noticing me. I just hoped that I was right.

   Dark had said that Ob and I were special. That she could use her powers without actually being in control of my body. Maybe that was because we both had powers. It was the longest shot in the history of long-shots, but it was the only thing I could think of. 

   I thought of a song that I could use to make Antimatter and Dark think I'm not there. Something to make me invisible, like wall or... Sure why not? It'll have to do. (It's the song up top.)

   I thought of that song and tried to block out all other sounds. I heard Anti speaking to Antimatter and Dark, but it was like a distant whisper. When I was ready, I began to dance.

   It seemed like it was working. I made my way around the sides of the room, trying to keep out of Antimatter and Dark's lines of vision just in case. By the time I had gotten to Ob, the song was about halfway over. I hoped that I would be able to simply replay it in my head and continue the illusion.

   Trying to get Ob untied and attempting to incorporate it into the dance was the hardest thing I had ever done. I tried to be as quiet as I could possibly be. I extended my illusion to cover the undone rope.

   I was almost finished untying Ob, and I was starting to think that this might actually work. A little bit of advice for anyone who tries something stupid: don't get your hopes up. Just as I was getting the last of the rope off of Ob, I felt a sharp pain in my side and my whole body went limp.

   "Nice try (y/n)," Antimatter said, "I will admit that I am impressed that you worked that illusion, but you forget one important detail. You and Obsidian are know as Shadowdancer. You can hind your physical form, but not your shadow."

   Crap. I wasn't able to move my head, but I could hear Anti struggling to get out of Dark's grasp. Antimatter walked over to me, and placed an object at my side.

   "I believe that it's time you were taught a lesson." Antimatter was about to activate the device when gunfire was heard coming down the hallway.

   "You stay the fuck away from them," a familiar Irish voice screamed as he shot Antimatter in the hip.


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