Could I ever come out?

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I've kinda been prodding at some of my close friends to see if they're homophobic or not. I know that at least some of them are allies, but I'm not sure about others. Like the friend who said "I couldn't be gay. I'm catholic!" -__-

I guess this is sort of a preparation for if I need to come out. But that's the thing. I might not need to come out. I might just be straight after all and if I came out as possibly queer before knowing that, it might seem like I was just looking for attention. This current chapter is one of the chapters I'm writing before publishing the book. Right now, I don't even know if I'll have the guts to publish it, and this is literally the most cowardly form of "coming out" I can think of! But at least anyone I know who's reading this will also read this: I'm just confused and lost. Yeah, maybe I'm straight, but maybe I'm gay. I could very well be bisexual, or maybe pan. Heck, maybe I'm asexual, though I doubt it. I'm trying to figure things out right now, but I hope you'll respect me no matter what my sexuality ends up being, no matter if I'm LGBT+ or not.

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