A coded message

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Some time in late November or December (so when I'm finally not constantly depressed about Trump), my friend texted this coded message to me, where each letter was represented by a number 1-26. I spent just a few days decoding it. Yes, I'm very proud of my decoding skills 🙃 But then I got an idea, and sent her my own coded message. If decoded, it would say this:

"I am not sure if I am straight. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. I did not want to tell anyone because I do not want to seem like I want attention. I might be straight, I might be bisexual, I might be a lesbian, I might be pansexual. I truly do not know. I do not care what I am. I just want to know what I am."

I sent it because I knew she'd be too lazy to decode it. Yet it felt good to put that out there, even if the true meaning would never be read.

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