Queer Friends

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Today was.... interesting. A few friends and I were returning theater costumes and a conversation got started about stuff. I've been aware that I'm out of the loop about certain secrets, which I was pretty sure was about sexuality and/or gender. It was confirmed that one of those friends isn't straight and they also said that one of the kids who also does theater was most likely bisexual. Next, a close friend told me she was bi (probably) and I told her I was questioning. Then later that day the two of us were with another totally different friend who apparently already knows about my bi friend. Though I don't know how much she knows about me...

It's all kind of confusing, but so is everything else in life, and I'm happy that another close friend knows about me and is cool with it and I'm happy that she was ok with telling me about herself and I'm generally happy because I have GSA tomorrow and one of the teachers who runs it said she would bake for us again.

I also found this note written in my iPad from a while ago:
Rainbow llamas jumping over the moon

Sexuality and All That JazzWhere stories live. Discover now