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- minsoo's pov -

holy hell. the first class is chemistry. i'm just going to sleep in class. oh, a text from areum.

areum; chemistry class today is at the lab

minsoo; WAE?!

areum; I don't know

minsoo; I was about to sleep in class:(

areum; AHAHA looks like you can't now

curse this chemistry teacher. I am so not in the mood to do experiments. but whatever. I dragged myself to the chemistry lab. currently empty since it's still early. i walked in the dark room, sitting down at my place. since it's quite and dark, i might as well sleep for a while.

i was drifting to sleep but something caught my attention. ok. seriously folks. hearing things in a dark room, alone, is not a good thing. i already had goosebumps ALL OVER MY BODY. my heart beating faster every second. just then, a familiar sound was heard again.

i avert my attention towards the storeroom. oh my. i held my bag close to me, like a shield. i swear i'm scared to the point where i could just cry at any moment. BUT I'M A STRONG AND INDEPENDANT WOMAN. and curious too.

so, i walked towards the storeroom. taking slow and silent steps. constantly gulping. cold sweat was covering my forehead and my palms. taking a deep breath, i pushed the storeroom door. it was pitch black. i couldn't see anything. ah. my phone. i switch on my flashlight on my phone.

moving my phone around to scan the room. everything looks perfect fine until... i saw a shelf that was messed up. i walked closer in. great. what a bad move. now, the door was closed. more like locked. but i shrugged it off. i blindly walk in the direction of the shelf. but omg. i stepped on something sticky.

i moved my phone to my foot. and oh god. it's a huge mess down here. i followed the trail of themes. resulting in... MMMMMMM. someone appeared out of nowhere and shut my mouth tight. my phone dropped on the floor. i tried screaming but he held it tight. i was going to kick the guy in his balls since he's behind me. but he came right infront of me. honestly, i can't really see him. since my phone is on the floor now.

but, he look rather familiar. i could slightly see that he is taking out he's flashlight. ok good. he has flashlight. at least he's not a ghost. BUT WHAT IF HE IS A KIDNAPPER? OHMAIGAWD.

i just want to say thanks to mum and dad for making me. thank you jimin and areum for being my best friends since i don't even know when. taehyung, i actually have feelings for you. but i'm still thinking about it. thank you to everybody who have helped me. and sorry if i ever hurt your- WAIT!! IT'S TAEHYUNG!!!

" MMMMMMMMM " i tried talking with his hand covering my mouth.

" s-shawty? "


" what you doing here? "


" can you please speak properly? "

aish. this pabo. doesn't he even know that he us covering my mouth now. HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME SPEAK PROPERLY YOU FUGGER.

i pulled his hand away. seriously, it was tough. but i made it!!! i'm a strong girl \( ö )/

" how do you fugging expect me to speak properly when you're covering my mouth?! " i half yelled. obviously annoyed.

" shhh... okok i'm sorry alrights " he place his index finger on his lips.

" wh-why are you here though? " i started to become curious.

" i'll explain later. now, we better get out " he instructed.

i was confused and blur. i don't even know what to do. so he just led the way.

- taehyung's pov -

i purposely came to school early. just so that i could take some stuffs from the chemistry lab. i am positive i left some stuffs there.

< fast forward >

i went in the sotreroom to check up on some stuffs. i plan to just check and go. nothing more. but... things got more complicated.

i'm assuming yalls already know what is going to happen. but wtv. still going to continue.

jung minsoo came in looking sleepy. i was kind of relieved that she slept on the lab table. it means I CAN ESCAPE IN PEACE. but things fugged up. it was A MESS!!!

i kind of hit something at the back and got panicked. which led to me tripping on a box. haiss... embarassing.

must i continue? of course not. you already know what happened right. ok good.

< fast forward >

i was with minsoo, sitting at the lab table. she insisted that i tell her why i was i was in the storeroom. hais this shawty kid. did she stop growing when she was 5?

" yah, are you spying on me "

" no. why would i spy on you "

" i don't know... "

" i'm not a byuntae. i'm a normal human "

" pshhh, normal your head " she scoffed.

" okok. i was in there to get some things. ok. happy? now i need to go "

" WAIT!! " she yelled loud enough. i stopped in my tracks.

" n-nothing " she went back to place her head on the lab table. oh well, i better get going now.

i arrived at my class. math class. i know. hell. the moment jungkook saw me, he came running at me.

" hyunghyunghyung!!! guess what? "

" what? wait, let me sit first "

" ok, go on "

" i-i think i have fallen in LOVE!!! " jungkook kept shaking my arm. chill kid.

" ok and? "


" go confess "

" hyUNG " he let go of my hand and frowned.

" what? "

" i should just go ask namjoon hyung and seokjin hyung " he went back to his seat.

" ah. good. go " obviously annoyed at that kid.

who is this unfortunate girl. who is this one of a kind girl who stole jungkook's heart? must be pretty. neh. minsoo is the prettiest. ≧ω≦

ish. taehyung to earth. earth to taehyung. focus on maths. hmmm.

taehyung + minsoo = taesoo

" shawty? "

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