; t h i r t e e n

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> minsoo's pov <

i woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. i opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright light. ughh. i got shook when i realise that taehyung's face is just inches away from mine. i pulled my head to the back, revealing my fabulous double chin.

" don't worry. no one wants to kiss you " he chuckled and walk off. tsktsk. who even wants to kiss him.

i stretched and stood up. walking towards the dining table, i smell something delicious. like legit. it smells familiar.

yup. i guessed it right. CHICKEN!!! it smells so familiar. as if it's my favourite chicken, Arnolds.

i sat down on my seat, happy but suspicious.

" you made this? " i raised my eyebrow.

" well, of course " he replied with confidence.

haizz. this guy. i don't know whether to trust him or not. tsktsk.

" dig in "

i pulled off a huge piece of chicken. ok honestly, i am hungry asf. don't judge me. this is my normal relationship with chickens.

" you love it? " he asked.

" of course, it tastes just like me favourite chicken " i gobbled down the chicken. mmm.

> taehyung's pov <

phewww. she liked it. but she knows...

i was in the kitchen, cooking for minsoo. but guess what, i ruined the pasta. good job taehyung. good job. i decided to check on minsoo who was lonely in the living room.

i saw her sleeping on the couch. awww. she looks fragile and peaceful. i took my blanket from my room and covered her in the warm blanket.

ok, what should i do now? i can't serve her the spoiled pasta right. hmm. i should call her oppa.

i dialed his number.

" hi hoseok hyung "

" what's wrong? "

" what is minsoo's favourite food? "

" whyy? "

" just asking "

" is she with you? "

" ahaha yeaa "

" where? "

" my house "


" omg hyung chill. i brought her here so that we can eat together. no other intentions "

" you sure? "

" maybeee "


" i was joking hyung. i won't even touch her "

" ok fine. i trust you. take care of her thanks "

" WAIT "


" no. what is her favourite food? "

" ohh. what a heart attack. arnolds "

" ok thanks hyung. muah muah "

call ended.

what a protective oppa minsoo has.

ok yass. i'm totally ordering arnolds. i should order it before minsoo wake up. a spring chicken should be fine.

- fast forward -

> minsoo's pov <

woop woop. it's that time of the year again. AREUM'S BIRTHDAY.

it's more of like a tradition already. every year for areum's birthday, she would always book a chalet for 3 days. and yas we will be celebrating her birthday there and also sleeping over. this year is kind of special, more peeps will be invited.

taehyung, jungkook, namjoon and seokjin are the new peeps.

jimin, hoseok and yoongi ( areum's oppa ) are the old peeps. basically because they are invited every year.

i will be helping areum decorate the chalet before everyone arrive. we will always be the first to be there. more like 1 day earlier.

after school, we both rush to the chalet. i just want to lie down. i'm tired.

- fast forward -

after having my 2 hours nap, I had a quick shower and changed into my fluffy hoody and shorts. meh. areum and i have been friends for a very long time. i don't really care.

we shared a room so all the decorative stuffs are in the room next to us. bless the 2 guys sleeping in there tomorrow. yup. they having a sleepover party here. it's normal.

we took all the decorative stuffs and put them in the living room. i switched on the tv. hmm. what should we watch?

" is that a smart tv? " areum asked

" yassss " i realized. ok great. i went in youtube. you already know what i'm going to search. 'not today' YASSS MAH JAM.

" ...TODAY WE FIGHT... " both of us screamed in unison. oops. hopefully the others won't hear this 2 monkeys fangirling.

we continued hanging decorations and released our ugly idol side. and of course me trying to be a rapper.

" too hot dsghgfwag doublin'. too hot bwdudbefu dumplin'. too high fhehddjwd trampoulin'. too high hduhdjkhsmomchugil " i rapped

sorry for mah bad rapping. I'm just too lazy to find the lyrics.

of course, what is a birthday party without food. we both went in the kitchen but WAIT!! we still have spring day left. it is important to okayhs.

" bogo shipda " i became rapmon.

" kimmongichorreom chaggimongichorreom " areum became jimin. it's quite funny how we have a friend named jimin.

we marinate the chicken. yass. the more the merrier. we have pasta that we will cook tomorrow. hmm. that's all.

" areum, do you want to order pizza? " i asked

" tomorrow? "

" mmHMM "

" okayh "

" then what are we eating today? i'm hungry " i whined.

" mmm " areum place her index finger on her chin, as if she's thinking hard.

" BURGER " we both said in unison AGAIN. we truly are fated to be friends.

we ordered the burger and ate it while watching the latest episode of running man. yu jae seok's week.

- fast forward -

it's already 5 pm and they are slowly coming. jimin came first. then namjoon and seokjin. they are always together ffs. JUNGKOOK AND TAEHYUNG THEN CAME!!! i've been waiting for taehyung. i'm not kidding.

but as an independent woman i am, i acted like i didn't care. who needs taehyung? sarcasm detected

jungkook ran towards areum. boii chill. you just met her yesterday in school. pfft. i pity jimin. all there alone in the living room, looking through all the channels.

" boii. take this drink " i passed him a soda. we don't serve alchohol here in minreum house. see what i did there

" mmm. thanks " he took the drink and had just a tiny sip of it. hmm. what's wrong.

" why you moody?? "

" i- " he got cut off. pfft annoying.

" minsooyah " taehyung came in and interrupted our conversation. pfft. i gave him the are-you-fugging-serious face.

" why " he asked.

i give up in him i swear. i went in the kitchen to prepare the pasta and CHICKENSSS!!!

" who are you? "

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