; e i g h t e e n

418 20 11

- minsoo's pov -

i turned to see the source of the voice. there, i saw a fully dressed Kim Taehyung.

" oh hey "

he walked towards the seat opposite me and sat.

" what are you doing here? " i innocently asked.

" i'm on a date "

" oh great! with who? " i looked around the restaurant, guessing the possible date that might be on a date with him.

" you "


speechless, i looked into his eyes clueless. hoping it was a joke.

instead, he raised his hand to call for the waiter with a huge smile.

" menu please " was all the words that came out of his mouth. flipping through the menu, he picked a dish.

" what do you want? "

" anything you're having " my heart still racing and my mind blank. i snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my fidgeting fingers under the table.

once taehyung ordered our food, silence took over.

curious about the sudden silence, i decided to look up.

there, i saw taehyung staring at me.

" you're so beautiful today "

" oh. thanks " i smiled shyly. back to hiding my face with my hair by looking down.

" don't be shy. your brother planned all of this " his words caught me off guard. hoseok hyung planned all this? what in the world was he thinking?

not long after, the waiter came with our food. carefully placing them on the table. well, i see he ordered steak.

i picked up my fork and knife and gpt ready to devour the steak. i'm praying silently the meat won't fly out of my plate because of my strenth. hehe.

i was about to pierce my meat with the knife but my plate floated. Taehyung took it away from me and instead placed his plate of nicely cut steak infront me.

" there you go, all chopped "

he's quite a gentleman too huh.

" thank you " i blushed under my make up qnd began eating. i was a whole different girl in the grand-looking restaurant. i wasn't eating like the cookie monster, i was full of manners and i didn't just burp out loud.

as we finished our meal, they served us a plate of dessert. there was a lava cake with vanilla ice cream on top and chocolate drizzle with some hot waffles by the side.

" tear the lava cake apart "

" me? "

" you're the princess today " *melts*


i grabbed the dessert spoon and pull a piece away, observing the oozing chocolate flow.

" that's how i feel like whenever you're around. melted because you're so hot " taehyung threw a fugging pick up line now.

" stob it " i gobbled the dessert with a pissed face.

after our 'sweet moment' was over in the restaurant, we proceeded to the park nearby. i had a bad feeling since it's only the two of us and it's at night so it was dark.

" tae, we should go back " i embraced tightly onto his arm.

" why? are you scared? "

" n-no. i'm not scared at all "

" then why are you hugging my arm? "
o o p s. i let go of him in an instant and stayed 1 metre behind him.

- taehyung's pov -

" yah, don't go too far away. you might get lost " i threatened her who was behind me.

i've been walking for 30 secs now but there are no sounds from minsoo. i stopped, and heard no other footsteps behind me. in an instant, i turned to witness minsoo in the hands of Sujae.

" why are you holding Minsoo? "

" why are you not mine? "



" i don't date an asshole "

" whAt? "

a group of muscular mans came from behind her. one of them gave her a sharp knife.

" if not, i'll just have to kill her "

" oH hOLD Up. then who's that BAE? "

" oh just a side chick " 

she placed the sharp knife on Minsoo's neck.

" dOn't "

" then be my boyfriend. this is the last time i'm asking you "

i could already see Minsoo in the verge of crying. oh boy, baby, please don't cry.

" promise me to let her go if i become your boyfriend "

" with pleasure "

i walked towards sujae, head lowered. Minsoo, i'm doing this for you. i still love you though. please wait for me and not go for another guy. i promise you i will be back.

in an instant, Sujae let go of Minsoo.

- Minsoo's pov -

sujae released me. she walked away with taehyung, surrounded by the muscular mens.

does this mean taehyung is going to be sujae's boyfriend? how about me? did he just leave me like this? he chose sujae over me. fInE.

i stood infront of the hotel i was in previously and dialled hoseok oppa.

after an endless night, he came with his car. i buckled my seatbelt and made no eye contact with hoseok oppa. i don't have the mood to talk anyways.

" where is taehyugn? " he questioned me.

" he went for another girl " throat hurts just by saying out his name.

" whAT whY "

i ended up falling asleep. hopefully i can forget about taehyung without any trouble.

<fast forward>

i arrived in school. sitting alone in class and doing some sketches for my anatomy research. students started strolling in. whispers were heard but i don't really care.

areum came rushing in. she did not just scream my name from the other side of the class, but also banged my table.

" the fug you want? im not in the mood to fangirl or whatsoever "


" ouch, my ears hurt. heard what? "


" i m doing this for you "

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