A Tale of Christmas Dinner (DestinyxSam Oneshot)

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Prompt: Person A, who does most of the cooking, is planning a big holiday meal. However, the day that they are going to start cooking, they hurt themselves so that they can't cook or really be in the kitchen much at all. Person B (and/or C, etc. if applicable) has to balance taking care of person A and trying to prepare a meal far beyond anything they've ever done, because person A is still insistent that ordering takeout is impossible/unacceptable.

Destiny turns around to look at her girlfriend. They're currently in a heated discussion regarding the upcoming Christmas dinner or in Destiny's opinion, Christmas buffet, what with the amount of food Sam has planned out. After the whole Christmas tree decorations debacle, Destiny thought she was done doing anything close to the festivities and just take care of Sam while she's recovering from her leg injury. Boy was she wrong. The moment Sam brought up the dinner, she knew she would have to step in and cook the food. At first Destiny didn't mind it but after seeing the list, she had stop at nothing to convince Sam to just order the food instead of making it. Don't get her wrong, she knows how to cook but to make the entire list would be an impossible task with the little amount of time she has before their guests arrive.

"I still don't see why we can't just order the food. No one will notice." Destiny crosses her arms over her chest as she keeps eye contact with Sam whose blue-gray eyes saucers up at her suggestion.

"Ordering the food is impossible!" Sam exclaims.

"No cooking this amount of food in such a little amount of time is impossible." Destiny argues, waving the paper only to get a head shake of disagreement. "Babe no one will know we ordered the food." She adds.

"I will." Sam huffs. If only she didn't injure herself she'd be the one cooking instead of arguing with her girlfriend. She would probably be halfway through by now.

"Fine. How about a compromise?" Destiny tries on a different approach considering the redhead's stubbornness. "I cook half of the food on this list and we order the rest?" She smiles.

"Nope that's unacceptable." Sam replies shaking her head defiantly. "Look if you don't want to cook then I'll do it myself." She contest before trying to stand up from the chair she's been sitting on for an hour now.

"What are you doing?" Destiny asks watching her girl try and stand up on her own.

"I'm going to cook." Sam retorts huffing when her body rebels against her.

"Babe stop." Destiny goes around the counter to hold Sam's body up and prevent her from further injuring herself. "You can barely stand much less walk around the kitchen to cook." She sighs getting a glare from her stubborn goddess.

"Someone has to cook. Since you don't seem like you want to, I'll do it myself." Sam scoffs but nonetheless sits back down. She looks on as Des crouches down in front of her.

"I'll cook okay? It's just that..that's a lot of food babe." Destiny reasons out. "I don't think I can finish it on time." Sam almost smiles but bites her cheek to stop herself.

"Well baby, if you start cooking now you will finish on time." She pats Destiny's cheek. The brunette stands up having been defeated and resigned herself to the huge task. She goes back around the counter, takes the apron and ties her hair up before picking up the knife to start chopping the vegetables. Sam feels her heart hammering inside her chest as she watches Destiny go around the kitchen. She has no doubt her girl can cook but she always took the role of cooking the Christmas dinner and having someone else cook the food you have done so many times is undoubtedly nerve wracking. Her eyes follow Destiny's every move as if mentally checking the other girl was doing it correctly. Destiny can feel eyes burning into her, following her every move which reminds her of the time she and her dad used to cook together for their Christmas dinner. Then her dad would let her cook dinner when she hit 16 years old although he would look on.

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