Chapter 18 - "Manik gets a big shock "

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Nandini creates her signature facial expression....

Nandini - wo wo...... actually ......

Manik - OK OK don't feel shy.

Nandini - no nothing like that. Actually I... I

Manik - OK I understand. 

Again that awkward silence

Manik - umm Nandini.....

Nandini - hmm??

Manik - Do you want to ask something or tell something  ???? Anything if you want know what I mean...

Nandini - what?

Manik - anything.  If you want to know about me. Actually as finally our relationship starts you have the right to know about me, my life style.  I think you should ask me....

Nandini - (in thought) really  ??  Should I ask him  ?? .........Yes I should. Or else he might think I'm not a good girl friend. I have nothing to say.. No no I can't let that happen. Yeah I should act mature. But what????  Think Nandini think..............................................yes that.... OK

Manik - (clearing his throat ) Nandini should I prepare for job interview??

Nandini - Ahh no no nothing like that. Yes I want to tell something.

Manik - OK go ahead

Nandini - (takes a deep breath getting some courage as going to tell some serious talk ) OK I want to tell that I am not that type of a person.....

Manik - (becomes confused ) what type of a person?

Nandini - like those cheesy girls who order their partners all time ..... like janu  do this, janu dont do this.... You know ....... I'm very open minded...

Manik -(he smiles on her cuteness ) or else ???

Nandini - yes and  if you like any another girl then you should inform me but don't cheat on me and don't date that girl behind me.  If you tell me na then I will surely understand that .

These last sentences just baffle Manik. He just can't resist what she said. If he had the time machine then he surely revined and went a moment ago and heard clearly to ensure if he heard correctly or not.

Nandini - hello???? Hello????

Manik - yeah .......... Can you please repeat ..I mean are you seriously said that............ Why ?? Are you.......?? Is there something disturbing you  ????

Nandini - No nothing.... I really don't want to be cheated. Its like my first relationship and for me its not a time pass..... That's why...........

OK guys now think what will be Manik's reaction . Till then bye bye.....

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