Chapter - 33 "Manik really needs to shut his mouth "

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"Why are you freaking out??  You took it too far. I have said nothing that you are reacting like this. I just said that when ever you call just check who's the person ....don't talk without knowing who's the person on the other side. As simple as that. "- I complete my sentence in one go and he just says "yeah ok I have understood " that's it and cut the call . This is so annoying.

"Monu you will be late "-

MA reminds me that I have a school which I have to attend .so I finally get ready for thousands questions of Navya in school for sure.


"What did you said to him? I clearly told you not to tell him right? Then why the hell did you do that? "

As expected she is shouting at me . I'm tired to make her understand that my intention was not to hurt him. I said that casually. But who hears my explanation. On the other side Mukti is trying to understand the thing. She is totally unaware of the situation.

"Someone please tell me what exactly is happening here. otherwise I'll bang your heads together "-

Finally she shows her frustration. And here Navya starts -

You remember two days ago Manik took us to restaurant for his new bike. So he called me previous night.

***Flashback ***

I'm in my room checking my books. I think my books are also shocked seeing me to open them as I don't remember when I have met them . Any ways I don't like to meet them at all. It's better to think about something else. What? What? What?... Yes Nandini...hmm Nandini .... I can't believe how her life changed in a minute. I don't know how she will fulfill her dreams but I m little worried. After all she is my best friend. Yeah Mukti too. I can't forget her....

Isn't it my phone??  Yes my phone is ringing. But where is it ?? Ohh in the kitchen habit of stealing powder milk..

I reach there and my throat has come to my hand when I hear the person's voice .Mom has the habit of touching the speaker button when she answers any calls. That's why I can clearly hear MANIK'S voice. Ohh god why the hell he has called me. But why Mom isn't talking. And then what next happens is like bomb on me .

''hey Navya tomorrow we will meet at Food restaurant. It will be my treat. See you tomorrow ''

He starts talking... Why why why he is doing this?? ¿? For god sake stop. I freeze at that place.

"I'm not Navya. I'm her mother ."

Mom says. I m sure he will get nervous now hearing mom's voice. Yes as I say here he is

"Ohh I'm sorry. Actually mmm.... Wo actually we are our best friend's common friends... No actually.. Mm yes common friends... OK so I ll call later."

Seriously best friend's common friends.. He could have told we are class mates. He is not that smart what we actually thought...

***End flashback ***

And Mom was little angry with me. But this stupid girl told him everything. Now Manik is misunderstanding me.

"Wow what a climax!!! "-Mukti exclaims.

"Sure it is "-Navya says and a bunch of pen fell on Mukti's  head.

Too short update. I know. I also know its very very late I'm updating. Honestly I have no explanation. I'm very lazy. Plz don't loose hope.

Happy Navratri. Its more than 1 year on my wattad. Feeling very happy.

See you after Navratri 😜😜😜

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