Chapter 6: Pajamas

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Why let the heart make decisions, that organ beats faster after witnessing just one smile.

"Melissa, wake up. We need to go to the tents. Almost everyone has left." I felt a soft poke on my cheek urging me to wake up.

"What?" I questioned, opening my eyes a little bit to see the dimmed out fire and a hand in front of my face. I traced the hand to it's owner resulting in me looking into Jakes eyes. Jake who was attempting to give me a poker face, had a playful-annoyed expression.

"I don't think I can feel my arm." He complained massaging it when I got off.

"Complainer cock." I chuckled taking a deep breath and stretching.
He walked me to my tent and I hugged him goodnight, hoping I never lost his friendship.

Entering my tent I wasn't surprised to see Chelsea's sleeping bag empty. She probably wasn't sleeping with anyone but doing something equally reckless, as far as I know.

Sleeping alone in a forest sent shivers down my back and I could hear crickets in the silence of the night.
I zipped up my tent and slipped into my sleeping bag. I had foreseen the occurrences of the trip so I had reminded myself countless times to bring a book to read during my free time.

So, with the lampshade on I flipped the pages of Mortal Instruments. This book had been lying around with it's sequels for too long, I had taken it upon myself to finish it off in these few days.

"Melissa." Someone whispered.

"Melissa!" A little bit more persistent this time.

"I swear, I am so tired of people waking me up." That is what I hoped to say but it probably didn't come out the same as Chelsea sounded awfully confused.

"I shirt so Griffin people baking up? What is that even supposed to mean?"

"It means, get out and let me sleep." I muttered back, though giving in and sitting upright.

"They are all having a midnight party near the bonfire. I've come to call you." She grinned as I stared back at her with a blank face. Parties were something I had grown accustomed to over the past years being one of the populars but that didn't mean I was always up for a drink.

"You go on, I just changed into my pajamas and how exactly did you get Krista and Daniel to agree? Forget them, what about the principal?"

"Oh, no worries, it's our trip. Until and unless we do something disastrous, no one will say anything. Well, that's the logic the guys are applying anyway. Are you sure you want to sit this one out? It'll be fun." Chelsea was now being pulled by someone on the other side as her head popped out and came back in.

"You go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun!" I nodded my head at her and yawned a bit to seal the deal.

"Well, okay then. Night night." She gave me a small smile, disappointment lining her face. She gave into the person tugging at her and left after zipping the tent back.
Unfortunately, our little exchange had completely woken me up.

I was sitting in my comfy pajamas with my eyes wide open and absolutely no will to go to the party.
I picked up the novel and read through the same paragraph twice, seeing that this is no way a perfect notion to spend the night. I pulled a jacket over my pajamas and went out.

The bonfire was a few tents away and I could see lights and a couple of students walking around or sitting. Letting out a huff of air I looked up, the sky had a million stars adoring it.

The moon hid a little behind the trees forming a canopy around us but the stars peeked like little sparks of a flashlight, so very breathtaking.

When I was younger I used to have a great interest in constellations and so when I grew up to be ten, my father took it upon himself to buy me a telescope. Oh, how I loved that golden flashy piece of metal. Every night I would look through that to the sky and my dad and I would point out constellations.

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