The Kidnapper

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Emily was carried into the house and had her legs and hands untied and removed the tape from her mouth. She finally saw the kidnapper's face clearly and she was shocked because the man looked exactly like the guy in her dream.

Emily heard her phone ringing from her back pocket and realised that it was her father calling. Before she could answer, her phone was snatched by the kidnapper. Not long after that, she was placed in a highly secured room. She kept kicking the door of the room but it was no use. The only sound that was heard throughout the house were her screams and cries. She was kept In there for days but at least she was fed.

*few days later*
"Gosh, im finally out of that terrible room", said Emily to herself. She was ordered to go to the living room where the guy was waiting for her. She looked at the TV and coincidentally, the news was on and she heard the news about her missing for a few days and the person who is able to find her will get a reward.

"So Emily, do. you like staying here?"
"What? How do you know my name?"
"You think I don't know you?", said the guy with a deep voice. "Maybe I'll give your father a call to tell him about his daughter"

The guy picks up his phone and started dialling Mr. Daniel, Emily's father.

"Hello, Daniel"
"Who is this?"
"It's me. Jin kazama"
"Oh, its you. Why are you calling?"
"It's about your daughter"
"You have any news about her?"
"Not only i have news but I have her too"
"She's been here the whole time, Daniel. I'm the one who kidnapped her", Jin answered Mr. Daniel's question while laughing.
"Why would you even do this? I'm filing a report right this instance"
"Woah, not so fast. If you file a report, I'll make your whole business drop to the bottom and our company had a deal, right?"
"Alright, fine. But can I see her?"
"Sure, she's your daughter after all. You don't sound so worried anymore. Why is that?"
" I know that you're always alone and I know that she's in good hands.
*end of phone call*

Emily's POV

"So he is my father's business partner that my father had told me", Emily said to herself. Emily doesn't like this guy's attitude. She felt like she was kept in a cage and can't do much. "Why did you ask me to be here?", said Emily to Jin. "I just wanted to see how you're doing and maybe go to the park", said Jin. "Why would you even care about me?", Emily wanted to test him to see if he's guilty for kidnapping her. "Because I wanted to make it up to you and clear our minds", Jin replied simply. "YOU THINK I COULD CLEAR MY MIND EASILY AFTER BEING KIDNAPPED AND LOCKED IN THAT TERRIBLE ROOM FOR DAYS?!? WHAT KIND OF HUMAN ARE YOU?!?", Emily yelled at Jin because she was frustrated. "Before my hand here lands on your pretty face, go upstairs and change. I had my workers to go out and buy something that could fit you", Jin said while controlling his anger and patience.

Hey peeps! I hope you like this chapter✌🏻

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